How to add graduate certifications to my LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn is a social network intended for businesses, companies or people who are looking to employ someone or, on the other hand, be an employee .

The method used to obtain information is with the use of personal files as if it were a Curriculum Vitae, where each person must put their personal information and also their work experience if they have, it is used especially in professional relationships and / or commercial, here you will find companies that are looking for new talent and expand.

LinkedIn was founded in 2002. In these times, it belongs to the Microsoft company which maintains it as the largest professional network in the world, where you can find more than 50 million active users in up to 200 countries throughout the world. world. At the workplace level, it is undoubtedly one of the most important applications in the world.

Easily add certificates to your LinkedIn profile

One of the best ways to verify that you do have academic or any other experience is by obtaining and displaying a certificate . Next we will go over a short guide on how to update your profile with your certificates, as well as delete any other.

Step by step to add certificates

  1. As a first step, you must have your account open. Verify that you haven’t created one before . Proceed to click on your profile icon at the top of the home and View Profile.
  2. Proceed to find the section of licenses and certifications; then click Add. This if you have certificates in your profile before adding a new one.

If you have never had a certificate in your LinkedIn profile, you should add the so-called Licenses and certificates section . To do this, click on Add new section (on your profile page) on your business card. Enter the Path list, and proceed to the Add button where it says Licenses and certifications.

Add your certificate information. Then make sure to click Save and you’re all set . To delete certificates, go to the Licenses and Certifications section, click the edit button next to the certificate you don’t want to be there, then hit delete.

Advantages of having a profile on LinkedIn

Create your profile in two different ways; either as a person or company. In this second case, you will be able to obtain a series of benefits such as:

  • Increased visibility
  • New contacts
  • Traffic in your business
  • Networking with other companies
  • In general, you improve your brand.

On a personal note, LinkedIn offers benefits beyond being used as an online resume; You can make yourself known individually and not by the company where you are working. Every time you finish or are in a work-related project or action , you can put it on your profile to have more interesting proposals than any company in the world can see.

Physically handing over your CV to a company greatly limits the updating of new information for each time you make a change of profession or company. Using LinkedIn you can immediately update personal information and new job findings and make them visible to everyone.

The more experience and work you have done and they are on your profile, the better. However, make sure the information is concise and relevant.

How do I create my LinkedIn account?

Without a doubt, LinkedIn is the most extensive and quintessential professional network in the world. Day by day it experiences exponential growth, which is why many people are joining this service. To create your own account, you must follow these simple steps. It is important that you do not have a blocked LinkedIn account .

Sign up for LinkedIn

Follow the steps below to be able to create your own personal account on this digital work platform without any inconvenience:

  1. You will first need to go to the LinkedIn login page . If you are on a mobile device, go to download the application.
  2. Next step, you will have to write your personal data: name, surname, your email and also register a secure and easy-to-remember password because you are going to use it. It is important that you use your real name and not pseudonyms in this application.
  3. Press the option that says « Join now «. At this point you will have your account created, you just have to complete another series of steps and that’s it!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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