How to add extensions in Opera

Learn how to add extensions in Opera; the browser has its own store, but it is also possible to install Chrome plugins.

Like other browsers, Opera also allows you to install extensions. With them, users have access to extra features that improve the experience and implement new functionality. Below, I’ll show you how to add extensions in Opera .

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  • What is a browser?

Opera Extensions Page (Image: Playback/Opera)

Time needed: 3 minutes.

The process for adding extensions in Opera is very simple and fast. Remembering that the browser can be downloaded for free on Windows , Mac and Linux through the company’s official website .

  1. Open Opera and enter the extension shop:

Go to ;

  1. Choose or search for the desired extension:

Scroll down the page and click on an extension or use the search bar in the upper right corner to find a specific plugin;

  1. Install the extension:

Click on the “Add to Opera” button and wait for the installation process.

How to remove an extension in Opera

  1. Open the browser;
  2. Click on the cube icon next to the address bar;
  3. Click on the three dots next to the name of the extension you want to delete;
  4. When the menu appears, click on the option “Remove extension”;
  5. Confirm the decision by clicking the “Remove” button.

How to add Chrome extensions in Opera

Since version 55, Opera allows you to install and use extensions that are in the Chrome Web Store, Chrome browser store. It works identically and everything available on the Google store can be used normally.

This is because the browser is based on the Chromium project. Therefore, it is able to import functions and tools from the other platform.

That said, see below how to add Google Chrome extensions to Opera:

  1. Open Opera and go to ;
  2. Click on the extension you want to install or use the search bar in the top left corner to find a specific plugin;
  3. Click the “Use in Chrome” button and then “Add extension”.

Interestingly, after installing the first plugin, the browser will automatically switch to “Use in Opera” for easy identification.

Okay, now you know how to add extensions to Opera to improve your experience implementing new features.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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