We have always known that it is much better to play Coin Master with friends, either because when we have a new one they always give us 40 free spins, because we can have gifts from them, exchange the cards we need to complete collections and seek support for the different missions. However, we also know that attacking in the game is one of the main sources of resources for our village.
So how not to attack friends in Coin Master but get the benefits of attacks? Well, to get you excited from the beginning, let us tell you that it is possible and you even have 2 ways to avoid it but still receive your rewards.
How Not to Attack Friends in Coin Master
changing village
Normally when you have the option to attack in the game, you are automatically taken to a specific village and to your friend’s bad luck, it turns out to be his. Sometimes, for some reason it may become a habit that you get the same friend many times and by attacking them very frequently you will only bore him and make him remove you from his contact list. This is how you can avoid it:
- Open the game app, make your rolls until you find the hammers that will make you attack another player.
- You will automatically be sent to your friend’s village. But wait before making your attack.
- At the top of the screen, you will see the name of the person you are going to attack, followed by two buttons: “revenge” and “friends”. When you select the friends option, you will be transported to another village, but it will be another one of your friends, if you like the change, you can continue the attack.
- In case you don’t want to attack any of your friends, then choose the ” revenge” option so that the game will show you a list of all the users that have attacked your village before. Your friends, world players and some bots will appear there. Just select the name of the person you want to attack and thus you will avoid that it is one of those who is in your contact list.
playing in ghost mode
Ghost mode is not an official feature of the game, but rather a player-discovered tool where you can continue to play as a guest to remain unnoticed by your Facebook contacts. In this case, also so that your friends go unnoticed from your attacks.
- Open the game and go to settings in the top right menu.
- Scroll to the bottom of the options and choose ” sign out” on the button that shows that you are connected to your Facebook.
- After a few seconds the game will return you to the main screen and now the option to ” play as a guest” will appear .
- By selecting that option, you will have another username, but you will be able to continue playing as normal. This is how you know you have entered ghost mode.
- While in this mode and you get the option to attack, you will be sent to player unknown villagesso you don’t have to attack your friends.