How to Attack Villages in Coin Master

To advance in Coin Master you need to complete certain tasks, invite friends, have a lot of coins and try to attack villages to steal other people’s resources. Poor unprotected villages are in for a surprise when they are attacked and left without resources and destruction.

If you want to know how to attack a friend’s village in Coin Master and make the most of what you find in their village, follow these steps:

How to Attack A Friend’s Village in Coin Master


  1. Open the game and you will see the slot machine and make a spin.
  2. In that roll you can get coins, more rolls, shields or battle hammers. The ones you need are the last ones, the hammers.
  3. By having the hammers is that you can carry out your attack.
  4. At that moment you will be assigned a random village, it can be that of any of your Facebook friendswho are also connected in the game, but you can also get people you don’t know or even bots created by the game itself.
  5. Make your attack, destroy as much as you can and take the resources and coins you can.

You cannot choose which friend you are going to attack, however it is possible which one to counterattack. Let me explain: while you are in the game, any other user, whether they are your friend or not, can attack your village as well. If that happens, you will receive a notification on the platform showing you who did it, what damage they managed to do and what exactly they took so you can take revenge.

  1. Go to your village and look at the top of the screen for the ” revenge” button or revenge, in Spanish.
  2. Once you select it, you will see a large list of all the players that have attacked the village,
  3. Look for the player you want to attack and press the « revenge» button located right in front of his name again.
  4. For this attack you will also need to have hammers available, if you have them you will be automatically redirected to your selected friend’s village to return the robbery, but if not you will need to find another way to receive the hammers before attacking.

Recommendations to attack a friend in Coin Master

  • Go first for the already damaged buildings, you will easily identify them because you will see that smoke is coming out of them. Thus, you can receive a bigger reward and much easier.
  • Identify if the player has shields activated or not, your earnings will depend on that and also the result of your battle. That way you’ll know when it’s time to retreat and when to attack with all your might.