How many vertebrae does the spine have?

The vertebral column is the beam that supports the human skeleton, protecting the spinal cord and fulfilling, among other functions, that of allowing balance when moving bipedally.

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It is the link between the head and the pelvis , being therefore one of the most important bones since if it fails, the other joints may not function properly. The length varies between men and women, it consists of 70 cm and 60 cm respectively .

The number of vertebrae in the spine varies with age

Thus, a child at birth has about 33  vertebrae :

  • 7 cervical
  • 12 thoracic
  • 5 lumbar
  • 5 sacral
  • 4 coccygeas

As they grow, the vertebrae of the coccyx and sacrum unite due to the development of the adult phase, which implies growth and therefore the spinal column “stretches”, welding some bones with others, ceasing to be vertebrae to become two bones that they transmit the entire weight of the body towards the waist.

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Once growth is complete, the spine of an adult is reduced to 24 vertebrae :

  • 7 cervical
  • 12 thoracic
  • 5 lumbar

Division of the vertebrae in the spine

Several groups or regions are established to group the vertebrae, these are:

  • Cervical region : Denominated with the letter C, it comprises 7 vertebrae ( C1 to C7 ).
  • Dorsal region : There are 12 vertebrae that go from T1 to T12 , covering the middle of the back and protecting important organs such as the lungs or the heart.
  • Lumbar region : It consists of  5 vertebrae ,  L1 to L5 , robustly since they have to support the entire weight of the body.
  • Sacral region : There are five bones in total ( S1-S5 ).
  • Coccygeal region : In theory there are four vertebrae . But in some cases there can be between three and five, serving as support for various ligaments and muscles. In the case of sedentary people, part of the weight is transmitted to the vertebrae.
by Abdullah Sam
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