How is China’s jewelry market?

East of Nanjing Road Shanghai There are many shopping malls selling gold which is popular in China.Gold is an exciting gift. And many people want And there is still a belief that it will bring good luck

    In China, gold is often given as a gift to children in their families on special occasions. It is like a child born into a wealthy, affluent family. “Carrying a silver spoon, golden spoon, born”, which is a tradition of giving gold to newborns With a small gold necklace or bangle Which will be traded a lot during the Chinese New Year This luxurious piece of jewelry is 24k (99.99%) gold, which is often used in the form of zodiac symbols such as dragons, snakes, tigers and horses, among others. are

    Gold has appeared in Chinese history since the Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD), but with the advent of Buddhism more and more, during the 6th Dynasty (222 – 589) there was The widespread possession of gold outside the royal court Because of bringing the gold of the Buddhists together to create various gold Buddhas such as the Golden Pagoda and the Golden Buddha

Currently, China is a rapidly growing gold jewelry market. From the continuous improvement of the domestic economy The Chinese believe that buying gold jewelry represents financial foresight. And believe that it will bring good luck to the World Gold Cousins ​​show research results that 82% of Chinese people agree that “Gold jewelry It has a huge impact on the fashion industry. ”It is not surprising that most Chinese consumers Still buying 24k gold jewelry (99.99%), making their purchases more sustainable financial value.

      The view that in the long term, gold can always add value, meaning that when the price of gold decreases It’s often seen as an opportunity to buy. This view was especially evident in the spring of 2013, when the long queue of orders caused chaos at department store jewelry counters. Some stores in Hong Kong even get orders from large numbers of customers Until unable to deal with customers crowded standing in front of the store before the product sold out.

China’s growing economic prosperity Thus increasing the purchase and possession of these beautiful gold jewelry. Over the years, the new Chinese population with each generation has increased. Has made gold a clear testament to its uniqueness As well as looking for the novelty and modernity in the design that is distinctive as a unique Chinese style. In fact, the early gold buying of China is a whole new generation. Now these groups are playing an increasingly important role in the gold and luxury market. And it seems to be the driving force behind the increasing demand for gold jewelry each year.


by Abdullah Sam
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