How high can birds fly

Do you know what the biosphere is? Biosphere on Earth is the area where life flourishes or where life is possible. In Hindi, it is called biosphere.

Now look at for example, some small microbes up to 50 kilometers above the surface of the earth can live and do you know that when you reach 50 kilometers above the surface of the earth, you will get this blue sky completely fed up. Will begin to appear with blackness.

Because as we go up, the earth’s atmosphere will gradually disappear and when reaching 100 kilometers, the entire space will start to appear.

Similarly, when we move from the surface of the earth to the bottom of the ground, then it is estimated that even under 4 kilometers from the surface of the earth, some microbes and animals like devil worm survive and just below the sea surface. Scientists have found evidence of life in there, some microbes can survive below one to one and a half kilometer.

And on the surface of the earth, all of us human beings live, that is, the biosphere of the Earth is very large. But it does not surround the whole earth. Now tell me one thing, now I told you that even at a height of 50 km from the ground, some small microbes can live and live. Meaning there exists some optimal environment to live at such a height. So can a bird even survive at a height of 50 km from the ground.

Today we will try to know this and will also know which is the bird which can fly at the highest altitude from the ground by easily preserving it.

The highest flying bird –

The highest flying bird in the world so far has been recorded, a vulture found in Africa in 1973 that was flying at an altitude of 11.5 km above the ground and suddenly in an airplane engine He died due to a fall

Rüppell’s vulture

Since then, no such bird has flown so high. But can bird species really fly only at an altitude of 11.5 km? Will they not be able to fly at a higher altitude?

Hans coming to India is something special –

If you have noticed, then you must have seen that during the winter time a type of swan arrives on the Indian subcontinent and settles here and as soon as the winter time is over it flies back to Central Asia and goes towards Siberia. It is called the bar-headed goose bird and it crosses the Himalayas in India and arrives in the winter time. You know this bird also migrates which they come from Central Asia towards India. At that time, he flies to India from 10:00 to 10:30 km.

Bar-headed goose

Normally, birds fly at an altitude of only 500 feet or 200 meters above the ground so that they can conserve their energy and do not come in the sight of any predatory bird. But birds that migrate from one place to another fly at very high altitude because their temperature remains balance when flying at such altitude.

And they do not have the problem of dehydration, in fact, when a bird flies at an altitude of eight 9 km from the ground, the air pressure is very low there. Because of which the heat there is less than the bottom and in such a situation, birds that migrate from one place to another are less favorable to fly high.

Particular body structure of birds –

What helps the birds to rise so high is their physical structure, their bones are absolutely hollow and their muscles and heart are so strong that they have no problem in flapping the wings. They have a lot of energy as well as the best thing about these swans flying at high altitude is that they have a structure of hemoglobin in such a way that it can load the molecules of oxygen at a higher amount.

Due to which birds have no problem in transporting oxygen to every corner of their body, as well as maintain energy level in them, that is why some birds which mainly migrate from one place to another, they are quite Fly at altitude.

Big wings help –

When scientists studied these high flying birds, it was found that there are all such birds in the world which fly above the height of four to five kilometers above the sea level. The wings of all those birds are much larger than their body, due to which their wings help them to uplift more.

Also, such birds breathe very fast. Actually, it happens that when we humans go to an altitude of four to five kilometers above sea level, then we start having difficulty in breathing, our blood pH starts to alkaline and the same happens to birds when the sea. If you go to a great height from the floor, then he starts breathing very fast.

Because there the air density decreases where their blood also alkalines. But for them, their blood alkaline in this way is also very helpful for them. Where a person becomes unconscious or feels dizzy when the blood becomes alkaline.

The ability to bind oxygen in the blood of birds –

The same birds do not have any such problem, they breathe very fast, they have a structure of hemoglobin which binds too much oxygen. Due to which there is always a flow of energy in their brain and a scientific research suggests that such a good physical structure of birds and the ability to take oxygen can help them fly more high-altitude.

That is, birds can fly at altitude more than 12 km altitude but some specific type of birds with large wings can hyperventalise very fast.


by Abdullah Sam
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