How Does Jumbo App Works

Protect some of your privacy with the Jumbo app for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and for Android. This app helps us manage our privacy on Facebook, Google, Twitter, Amazon and Instagram.

We let ourselves be dragged around the web a lot. The amount of information we give out through different platforms or social media can say a lot about us.

Google knows our interests through our research, Facebook and Instagram based on our interactions with publications, Amazon with our purchases or even our questions to its Alexa assistant.

This is all information that can paint a picture of us on the web and where the free Jumbo app can help us clean up behind us.

The Jumbo app helps us manage our Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon and Instagram accounts.

Clean up your posts and searches instantly

Let’s face it, not everyone cleans up their Facebook account, for example, or regularly deletes their browsing history on Google. These are the little things that the Jumbo app will do for us automatically.

For each social media or platform, Jumbo will ask us for access to it and keep everything confidential as stipulated in their privacy policy .

Then for each of these services, Jumbo offers us functions to protect our privacy.

The Jumbo app is easy to set up on our social and web platforms.

For Facebook, the Jumbo application offers three levels of protection of our privacy:

  1. Low: Jumbo leaves our settings as we configured them
  2. Medium: Our information is only visible to our friends. Face recognition is turned off. Ads based on our data are disabled.
  3. Strong: Our information is only visible to us. Face recognition is turned off. Ads based on our data are disabled.

On the Twitter side, we can program Jumbo to delete our old tweets from a day, a week, a month or three months ago.

The same goes for Google, whereas Jumbo can automatically delete our searches for a day, a week, a month or even after each search.

If you use Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant, you can program Jumbo to delete recordings made by Alexa. A function that allows us to not have targeted advertising based on the requests that we have asked.

Regarding Instagram, we can delete photos and videos like the function available for Twitter and Google.

Finally, Jumbo also offers a function allowing us to keep a copy of everything that it deletes from our platforms. These copies can be saved directly to our device or to iCloud and Dropbox, if you have an iOS device.

There are, however, two small shadows on the board regarding this application.

The first one, as you can see in my screenshots, the Jumbo app is only available in English.

The second is that although the Jumbo app is available for Android and iOS, some functions are only available for Apple device owners, which can be a bit annoying for Android owners.

Despite everything, Jumbo is a great tool to have in your phone to do a little cleaning on our different web platforms.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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