How Do You Reset Netflix On A Smart Tv

How Do You Reset Netflix On A Smart Tv.The process for resetting the Netflix app on a smart TV can vary slightly depending on the TV’s brand and the operating system it uses (such as Android TV, webOS, Tizen, etc.). However, I can provide you with a general guideline that should work for most smart TVs:

How Do You Reset Netflix On A Smart Tv.

How Do You Reset Netflix On A Smart Tv

  1. Navigate to the Netflix App: Using your TV remote, go to the main screen or the app menu where you can see all your installed apps. Locate the Netflix app icon.
  2. Highlight and Select Netflix: Use the arrow keys on your remote to navigate to the Netflix app icon and highlight it.
  3. Access App Options: Once the Netflix app is highlighted, press the “Options” or “Settings” button on your remote. This button might be represented by three dots, a gear icon, or something similar.
  4. Manage App: A menu should appear with various options related to the Netflix app. Look for an option like “Manage App,” “App Settings,” or “App Info.” Select this option.
  5. Clear Data/Cache: In the app settings or information screen, you should see options to clear data and/or clear cache. Clearing data will essentially reset the app to its default state, including removing your login information and any saved preferences. Clearing cache can help with performance issues but might not fully reset the app.
  6. Confirm Reset: If you are prompted to confirm the action, select “Yes” or “OK.” Keep in mind that this action will log you out of Netflix and reset the app settings.
  7. Restart TV: After clearing the data or cache, it’s a good idea to restart your smart TV. You can usually do this by turning it off and then turning it back on again.
  8. Relaunch Netflix: Once your TV has restarted, go back to the app menu, select the Netflix app, and launch it. You will likely need to sign in again with your Netflix account credentials.

Please note that the names of the options and the exact steps might differ depending on your TV’s brand and software version. If you can provide more specific information about your smart TV (brand and model), I might be able to give you more tailored instructions. Additionally, keep in mind that resetting the Netflix app will log you out and might remove your viewing history and preferences, so proceed with caution.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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