How do I know how big my laptop screen is in inches or pixels on Windows or Mac?

Laptops have become a great tool and an ally when you have to work outside of your home or work due to their small size. But how big or small is it? Today we will teach you how to know the size in inches or pixels of my laptop screen on Windows or Mac.

On many occasions, we must transport our computer from one place to another, but to do so, we must keep it in a case or briefcase to protect it from shocks and prevent it from breaking.

How do I know what size in inches or pixels is my laptop screen on Windows or Mac?

The problem arises when we do not know the size of our laptop PC and we end up buying something too big or small that does not help us to protect it.

In addition, knowing the size of the screen of a notebook can help you to know if it will be useful for the work you want to do on it. That without neglecting, knowing about the technical specifications and tools available.

How to know how many inches is the screen of my laptop step by step

Before starting, you should know that these types of computers have screens that range from 10 inches or 25.4 cm to 18 inches, that is, 46 cm, although this will depend on the model and brand of it.

To start, you need to have a metric c inta and a unit converter or a calculator to manually change the unit by multiplying 2.54 by the number of centimeters your laptop has.

Remember to have your laptop turned off and open at a 90º angle (ninety degrees) to be able to do it easily and without problems.

We recommend that you use a tape measure to measure it because they are soft and smooth, so you would not run the risk of damaging it if you do it with something more rigid.

You must find a point to start measuring. Note that it is calculated by measuring diagonally . So we recommend that you start in the lower or upper right or left corner of the screen.

Now extend the tape measure from the starting point to its opposite corner. Here you must measure the screen avoiding doing it from the frame of it, as this does not count as inches.

Finally you must do the unit step as we mentioned at the beginning:

cm laptop x 2.54 = inches of your screen

When you have done it, you will be able to know the number of inches your laptop has.

How to calculate the pixel density of the screen of my Windows or Mac laptop

The first thing you should do is know the graphical density or PPi . It is directly linked to the size of the visor of your computer, because the larger the screen, the better graphic resolution you will have.

To do this, start by entering the system configuration. From there, enter the screen option.

In this section, look for the advanced settings of the screen. In the Screen resolution section , click on the arrow pointing down to select Maximum supported by the equipment.

It will give you the information as follows:

No. of width X No. of height of the screen.

With this data, we are going to proceed to perform some calculations. We recommend that you use a calculator for this, because no matter how good you are at math, they are large numbers.

You must add both numbers not without first raising them to the second power. That is to say

(Width ²) + (Height ²) = obtained value

Next, you must extract the square root of this sum. Save this result for later:

√ obtained value = value 2

Now you must take a tape measure and measure diagonally the size of the screen of your Mac or Windows laptop as we did in the previous section. But you should not change it to inches, you will need this number in centimeters .

Finally, divide the value obtained after taking the square root of the sum of pixels and by the number of centimeters in the previous paragraph:

cm laptop / value 2

The result will be the pixel density of your laptop.

It is also useful that you know the refresh rate of a monitor to know how the image fluidity is


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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