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We tell you all about how to restrict users on Instagram and what is the difference with blocking

Let’s see how to restrict users on Instagram , the popular social network for photos and videos, in addition to detailing the differences between blocking . And is that Instagram included the option to restrict at the end of 2019, an option that not everyone knows and that is very useful for those who want to avoid interactions with certain users without having to block them . Therefore, we offer you all the details about the option to restrict, what it is for and what differences exist with blocking someone, so that you have at your disposal a more friendly tool than directly blocking users , something that could affect the perception of others about your account ofInstagram .

How to restrict users on Instagram

Index of contents

  • What is Restrict on Instagram
  • How to Restrict Someone on Instagram

What is Restrict on Instagram

The main advantage of Instagram’s restrict option is that restricted users will not know that they have been restricted . Thus, and unlike blocking someone (whose interactions will be totally canceled), restricted users will be able to continue viewing your photos and Stories , in addition to continuing to comment on your photos , send you messages and other typical Instagram options, but they will be the only user who he will see such interactions and will not be able to know if you have read his messages or not, since the “seen” indicator is no longer enabled.

According to Instagram, these are the effects of the option to restrict :

  • Limit interactionsby certain people temporarily without needing to block or unfollow them. These individuals will not receive any notification of the restriction.
  • Only you and the person you restrict will be able to seetheir new comments on your posts. You can approve individual comments to make them visible to everyone.
  • The chat will move to the message requests section, so you will not be able to see when you are online if you have read messages.

Therefore, only you will have the option of making the specific interactions of restricted users visible to other users, whether they are comments or direct messages. And it is that restricting is a “softer” option than the definitive blocking, since this option prevents the person from continuing to see your Instagram account .

How to Restrict Someone on Instagram

If at this point you still intend to restrict someone without having to block them, follow the steps below to restrict users on Instagram:

  1. Access your Instagram profile.
  2. Click on your profile image.
  3. A side menu will open; click on the Settingsgear icon .
  4. Access the Privacysection .
  5. Select the Restricted accountsoption .
  6. Now you just have to choose the Instagram users you want to restrict.

From that moment on, the users you have chosen through Restricted Accounts will be able to continue interacting with your publications, but you will not see them reflected unless you want to.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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