How can I easily register and obtain the code for the virtual commissary?

Virtual Commissary is a web page dedicated to citizen care in Chile, where transitory mobility procedures are carried out, it works as a virtual office, which arises as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic in Chile. This platform has been used to issue a type of permit or safe-conduct as prevention measures.

To have access to these permissions, you have to register and obtain a password, this process is very easy and practical, in this article we will show you how to do it, you just have to follow the steps that will be given below.

How can I easily register and obtain the code for the virtual commissary?

As mentioned above, to request permits and safe conducts, you must register on the virtual commissary page in order to obtain a password that allows you to carry out this procedure.

Enter the web portal and locate the red box that is at the top of the main page, click on “ Register here ”, then a data form that is required to be filled is displayed, data such as the Unique National Role (RUN ) , the serial number and names and surnames as it is, how it is found on the identity document.

Remember that it is necessary to place a valid email because once the form is filled, you must press the button that says “register” , and an email will have to arrive with a provisional password, which will be part of the process, click on the link to complete data provision.

The next step to follow is to create a personal password that must contain at least one uppercase character, one lowercase and one numeric, select change access password and your password will have been created successfully.

What are the categories of procedures issued by the Virtual Police Station?

The virtual police station platform has access to permits and safe-conducts that are classified by categories, and it will depend on each person’s need for mobility or transition. We will briefly explain you below.

Individual temporary permits allow you to circulate in quarantine areas or places from 05:00 am to 10:00 pm , this will be provided to people only twice a week, and they obtain the power to make purchases, transfer people with disabilities , transfer of people with health problems and other specific cases.

Safe-conducts are delivered to people who need to attend health centers such as hospitals or clinics for some type of treatment, this allows travel at any time including curfew. Also people must comply with a funeral or moving process (the latter two are temporary).

The records will be made by people who manifest any inconvenience or irregularity presented on the street, such as loss of documents or mobile phone, police claims, claims monitoring and others.

Virtual curator and Covid-19

This website was created in 2019 as a kind of street plan that would ensure the protection of citizens due to the increase in cases of Covid-19 , a virus that is affecting many regions of the world.

That is why Chile‘s police unit body created its own mobility mechanism so that citizens can carry out certain essential and necessary activities in their day-to-day life and that lead to frequent circulation on the streets.

The main objective of the permit from the Virtual Police Station is to avoid crowds during the adverse situation that the country is going through. This being the direct contact to report any fact of irregularity that may be witnessing at a certain time, either for contingency crimes or public alteration.

If you want to carry out these procedures and the system presents some kind of problems, you can contact them through an email that is indicated at the bottom of the page.

And because we care about your health, we recommend that you keep up to date with the National Health Fund (FONASA), its affiliation and purchase of vouchers online. In case you do not have information about your status and classification within FONASA , you can view the certificates that they send to your email, remember that in these times of pandemic your health is essential.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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