In essence, the 4G LTE generation is the most desired and recommended for all the incredible functions that it provides in our devices, which gives us a better internet connection no matter where we are. As it is so necessary, many of the users wonder how to know if my phone or cell phone is compatible or supports 4G LTE ? This is a very common question since some devices do not accept it.
To know if your cell phone is compatible with this connection you will have to know various information about your cell phone, which we will be indicating below.
Index( )
- How can I check if a mobile is 4G compatible?
- Frequency bands that are compatible with your mobile
- How to configure 4G network on my Android or iOS phone?
- Android devices
- IOS devices
- What to do in case the 4G connection is failing?
- How to improve your cell phone coverage?
- Can my mobile phone support 5G networks?
How can I check if a mobile is 4G compatible?
Most people would like to test this connection. Those that are compatible are those that have the term LTE, 4G and L ; To find out, you have to investigate the information provided by your cell phone. To do it in IOS you will have to enter the settings of your cell phone, look for the option of ‘Mobile data’, click on options, then on voice and data.
Once here, activate the LTE option , if other connections appear always choose the LTE one, if you cannot find it it is because your cell phone does not have this connection. To review this information on your Android, you can view different possibilities. The most common is entering the settings, then wireless connections, and then pressing ‘Mobile networks’ looks for the preferred 4G network type option.
You can also know this information by checking the box where your cell phone came, this is very useful because it shows the options that your phone has, if you see that it says 4G LTE it will be more than obvious that the cell phone supports this connection.
The most important thing to remember is that the name of the connection appears to confirm that it is compatible with your cell phone. If we sadly observe that it is not compatible, rest assured that you can use other ways to increase the WIFI signal on your phone.
Frequency bands that are compatible with your mobile
It usually happens that we acquire a new mobile and we know its main characteristics such as how many cameras it has, how much RAM it brings, how advanced its processor is, among others. But we are not clear about what type of network it uses.
We do not know if the device only supports a 3G type network, or if on the contrary it handles a 4G or even 5G network, however, knowing this is not so complicated, there are many ways to know which network is compatible on our mobile.
There is a page called WillMyPhoneWork, which will help us find an answer, just access it, fill in the options to answer such as the brand of our phone, specify exactly which is our model, the country in which we live and the telephone operator that we will use or use.
Once the questions are completed, the detailed information of our phone model will appear , if it supports network types such as 2G, 3G, 4G or even 5G.
How to configure 4G network on my Android or iOS phone?
When we add a telephone line to our Android or iOS device, it may happen that we have to make a small configuration so that it can work at the type of network we want, if we want to use a 2G, 3G or 4G network.
Carrying out this configuration is very simple by following these instructions:
Android devices
-We will go to Settings and look for the SIM Cards and Mobile Networks section.
-Then we will go to the settings of the SIM card that we are using.
-We will find an option called Preferred Network Type, we will enter there and it will appear if we want to choose networks such as 2G, 3G and 4G, in this case we will choose 4G.
IOS devices
-We will enter the iPhone Settings.
-We will locate ourselves in the Mobile Data section .
-We will activate the Mobile Data if they are deactivated to later activate the option below, which is to activate the 4G network.
What to do in case the 4G connection is failing?
If you have already managed to verify that your cell phone is compatible with this connection, but when activating it once it does not work correctly, it will be a really annoying error. To fix this error you can try the following, check that you are using the corresponding network. It may happen that you have chosen a network like 3G and not the right one, so try to configure it correctly.
Also put your cell phone in airplane mode , this step can be applied several times because it works best; You will only have to activate this option for a couple of minutes and then deactivate it. You can also check your SIM card, it is very common that we accidentally place our card incorrectly, causing the connection to not be established correctly, for this reason, remove and reinsert the card in the slot. On the other hand you can solve the problem with IMyfone Fixppo.
Now, if you want to try something more drastic, you can try resetting the phone’s network settings. To do this, go to the settings, look for the ‘System’ option where you will have to select ‘Reset’ and reset the network settings. Wait for the process to be carried out, in a few minutes it will be completed and you will be able to see that 4G LTE works correctly.
How to improve your cell phone coverage?
When you see that your cell phone does not support 4G LTE , nothing happens, since there are other ways to improve your coverage and speed up your internet to the maximum. First try to always keep your battery charged, if it is discharging it will affect its performance.
Modify your location, that is, try to move to different areas of your home until you find the one that best suits you . Try to remove the cover from your cell phone , in certain cases it can cause interference with the coverage, for this reason it is best to eliminate its use.
One option that will help you a lot will be to change the operator, each of these operators has a map that shows the coverage and how the connection will be ; For this reason, look for the one that best suits your tastes.
Can my mobile phone support 5G networks?
It all depends on two factors, the year you bought your mobile and what type of range the device is, since if your phone is from years after 2018 it will not have options such as the 5G network.
But if your phone is from 2019 and is mid-range or high-end, the most likely thing is that if it has the 5G option, which would be quite beneficial, since the 5G network has been shown to be 10 times in experience. higher than 4G network.
Although we also invite you to verify if your phone is 5G as follows:
-There is an app that we can download on our mobile, which is responsible for making an analysis on our phone and informing us if it is capable of supporting 5G network, the name of this application is 5G Network Support Compatibility Check, it will be enough to install it, start the analysis and wait if the result is affirmation or negation.