How all Excel formulas are used in a worksheet

The Excel formulas are a very important aspect within the program itself, since although it contains a wide dynamism with respect to its functions, they represent the functional part of the tool.

The Microsoft company has been improving its creation every day, expanding the range of calculations that can be performed within the sheet .

In this way, people who use the program have greater ease of use, and at the same time have access to various calculation systems.

Learning to use Excel is quite simple , so in this article you will see how to create a formula and which are the most important or common to use.

Excel Formulas: Step by Step How to Create a Formula

Related to what was mentioned at the beginning, the use of these functions are those that allow to fulfill the purpose for which the program was created.

Microsoft Excel itself has a button in its toolbar called ” Formulas “, which allows you to select what operation you are going to perform.

If, on the other hand, you want to learn how to create Excel formulas manually , it is really very simple and is achieved in the following way:

  • To start, click on the cell where you want the created formula to be inserted, which is really the one that will allow you to visualize the result of it.
  • Once there, start typing the equal sign ” = “, which will be accompanied by the cell or range of cells that will be part of the operation. Between each of them there must be a symbol, which is the one who defines what the values ​​will do to each other from the mathematical point of view.
  • After that, you just have to press the ” Enter ” key to see how the calculation result appears automatically inside the cell.

Excel Formulas: Basic Math Operations

With basic I usually refer to those calculations that do not require the use of additional or high complexity functions to be completed.

To use them, you only need to select the number of cells that will take the value role, and determine which mathematical symbol will perform the operation. This style of basic formulas relates directly to the calculations of addition , subtraction, multiplication, and division .

Each of these Excel formulas have a characteristic symbol that is interpreted by the program. So you know what to do.

These do not differ from the universally known ones, because to add the plus symbol “+” is used, to subtract the minus symbol “-“, to multiply an asterisk “*” and to divide a diagonal “/”.

The following example will help you to understand in a better way, since applying the formula of “= A2 + B3” you determine that the values ​​of these cells are the ones that are going to be added together.

The same happens with the other basic operations, only change the symbol and you can. Similarly, increase the number of cells that make up the formula.

Other important operations within Excel

The Excel formulas are very broad in terms of its content and the type of calculation that is trained to perform. So among them we will find the following types of important operations:

Calculate the VAT of a product

To apply it, you only need to know the price of the product and the percentage by which the VAT is based in the country to be calculated. The formula is applied as follows: ” = product price * (1 + VAT) “.

Arithmetic average

This formula calculates the average value within the range of cells that are selected. In statistics it is established as the arithmetic mean: “ = AVERAGE (cell numbers) ”.

Learning to operate within Microsoft Excel spreadsheets is not a difficult task for those who try it, as it only requires dedication and understanding.

The range of mathematical operations enabled within this program is very wide. So this tool will continue to be very useful every time you need to set a function for your work area or school assignment.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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