Highly Sensitive People (PAS): how to know if you are one of them

As reported by the Spanish Association of High Sensitivity Professionals, approximately 15-20% of the human population and more than 100 different species studied have a higher sensory processing activity. In other words: they perceive and process sensory information differently. This is called “Sensory Processing Sensitivity” (SPS), and for the general public this characteristic is named as high sensitivity or Highly Sensitive People (PAS). These types of individuals are more perceptive, demonstrate greater sensory activity and greater depth when it comes to making thoughts, as well as a high creative mind and look at small details that can go undetected for people with a level oflower sensitivity .

Physiotherapy doctor Eduardo Llamazares , author of “Mind, let me live!”, Is part of some groups of people who, like him, have a high sensitivity. But what exactly is being PAS? «There is no diagnostic test because it is not a disease or pathology. Through a test designed by the American psychologist Elaine Aron it is known if you have this personality trait. For example, to PAS peoplewe are more affected by caffeine or tea; we are also more sensitive to noise; to the scenes of violence; We tend to be very friendly but we also need some isolation to disconnect from all the stimuli our brain receives and we empathize a lot with other people , we have a very developed ability to help others, ”he confesses.

The other side of Highly Sensitive People

However, there are other sensations much more developed in PAS than in other people. «Being more sensitive does not make you a better person, but it is not synonymous with weakness. Yes, there is a tendency to suffer and defend everything, to be on alert. When there is no self-knowledge of this sensibility is when that victimhood of one’s personality can arise and that is when isolation and misunderstanding comes. It is also associated with self-demand and perfectionism, ”explains Llamazares.

Is there a relationship between depression and Highly Sensitive People?

The coach relates them slightly. «An investigation by Dr. Michael Pluess says that if high sensibility is not managed in the stages of life, in children and adolescents, it is associated in adulthood with depression and anxiety. It is essential that this sensitivity is detected from childhood . There are very sensitive children who, if taught to manage this trait, will avoid many future problems related to personality and health ».

by Abdullah Sam
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