Healthy nutrition:15 tips to save vitamins

Tips for healthy eating and the save vitamins rules

  1. Follow a food style with a caloric intake that prevents the problem of overweight and obesity.
  2. Make sufficient and adequate quantities of all the substances necessary for the body to ensure the maintenance of vital functions, grow, renew itself and eliminate the waste of the metabolism.
  3. Favor the consumption of vegetable proteins compared to those of animal origin.
  4. Eat fiber-rich fruits and vegetables every day .
  5. Reduce salt and alcoholic beverages.
  6. The fat intake should be between 20 and 30% of total calories. Fats must be exclusively polyunsaturated obtained from cold-pressed oils.
  7. Reduce the consumption of simple sugars, starchy foods and starches.
  8. To consume in abundance vegetables and vegetables especially from the cruciferous family and those rich in beta-carotene. In general, these are dark green and yellow-orange vegetables.
  9. Prefer the consumption of whole grains.
  10. Cut down on coffee.
  11. Give preference to foods that provide antioxidants, such as selenium, vitamin C and vitamin E.
  12. Avoid overcooked or barbecued meat and fish.
  13. Avoid eating foods treated with nitrates or rich in dyes, additives and preservatives.
  14. Avoid frying foods and re-using cooking oils and fats.
  15. Avoid heating or overcooking food.

To avoid consuming foods that are depleted of vitamins, a few simple precautions are available:

  • Prefer seasonal foods, locally produced, possibly organic;
  • Prefer fresh or undercooked foods. Prolonged storage and cooking causes the progressive decay of the vitamin content. On the contrary, freezing favors its maintenance;
  • Avoid the first fruits;
  • Regularly use whole grains such as bread, pasta, flakes from organic farming;
  • Store fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator, away from air and light;
  • Prepare vegetables and fruits only before consuming them, washing them whole and cutting them only later;
  • Store the oil in a tightly closed bottle in the dark (dark glass);
  • Cook in a little water, recovering the cooking liquid;
  • Vary the quality of food.
by Abdullah Sam
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