What Is Hawking’s Theory of Everything

I started this day by reading Stephen Hawking’s Theory of Everything. The latest lecture article in the book, consisting of seven lectures, is ‘Theory of Everything’. The previous articles were read last year, so I devoted hours to the main article.

Stephen Hawking’s lively talk is quite enjoyable. I understand half of the article and hope to understand the other half. The significance of reading such writing is that it activates every neuron in our brain, bringing all reading to life. It uses all the acquired knowledge to try to understand some of the complex words written in simple language.

Stephen Hawking’s writings bring out the essence of the thought of other scientists and philosophers. Hawking draws on the context of several scientists and philosophers, including Newton, Einstein, the twenty-first century philosopher, Wittgenstein. By this it became clear how he had recovered his predecessors quite well.

Can everything in the world be explained with a theory? Hocking has put forward this discussion. In the first place, some scientists of the past have spoken of their efforts and described their efforts, their failures, their near success. He also doubts whether it is possible to explain everything with the same theory.

Some words are very good, the door of thought has been pushed. At one point in the article, during Newton’s time, anyone wishing could come to a better acquaintance with the entire knowledge base of the world. In the Renaissance era, such talk about someone is either he or she has read all the important books on earth. But at present, the various disciplines of knowledge have been so expanded that it is very challenging to occupy a particular discipline with respect to all the disciplines. Because there is a change coming very quickly. Scholars have to engage in a particular discipline or discipline with very basic ideas in many disciplines.

Earlier from Aristotle, Rathi Mahartha philosophers like Emanuel Kant thought that their place in the world of knowledge was their wandering. But there has been so much improvement in various branches of science, and so many branches are coming to fruition.

For this reason, occupation of many fields of knowledge, including science, poses a great challenge to philosophers. Hawking mentions a German philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein at the end of this article. That is: ‘Language analysis has become the sole function of philosophy.’ (The only remaining task for philosophy is the analysis of language.)

This is why we see linguistics as one of the most influential disciplines in the twenty-first century. And all the influential philosophers of the twentieth century made major contributions to linguistics. The article ends with a Faustia ambition! With the daring prospect of knowing God’s plan! If the theory of everthing is reached, Hawking points out that if possible, ‘If we find the answer to that, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason. For then we would know the mind of God. ‘

by Abdullah Sam
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