
Habit is a form of behavior characteristic of all people without exception, which does not require great volitional and mental effort from a person. We all get used to something in our lives and then habits become part of our nature and begin to control us to a certain extent. This has its pluses and minuses that need to be properly assessed so that, on the one hand, you don’t be a slave to your habits and do not hide from everything new, but on the other hand, make things familiar for yourself that it doesn’t make sense to do with the help of willful effort. It is also always necessary to remember that many of our habits can be imposed on us by other people and therefore, following these habits, we will act not so much in our own interests as in their interests. About how to relate to your habits and, if necessary, abandon them,

What is a habit?

A habit is a behavior, a tendency to something, which has become everyday for a person, constant in his life. You can also say that a habit is, on the one hand, an unconscious skill, when you can do something without actually thinking about it, and on the other, it is laziness of the mind when you don’t want to think about anything. And one can also say that a habit is an unconscious, automatic model of behavior that allows a person to save his intellectual and mental resources. Also, habit, unlike conscious volitional behavior, allows people to do something several times faster. It takes time to get used to something. A habit appears after repeating the same actions a certain number of times. After that, the brain will remember them, a peculiar map with the necessary algorithm of actions will appear in it, by which he will begin to work in an unconscious mode. There are things that people get used to quickly and there are things that take a long time to get used to, and it’s hard to get used to some things. In any case, people get used to something not immediately, but over a period of time.

Bad habits

Particular attention is drawn to bad habits. Since people experience the most problems from them. These habits are not unreasonably considered a manifestation of a person’s weakness and, to some extent, limitation, of a person who is not able to control his behavior for his own good and allows bad habits to harm him. Here we are talking about a person’s tendency to take pleasure in a certain way, in which he closes himself off from many other forms of pleasure that do not harm his health. For example, if a person is used to drinking alcohol, this dependence makes it impossible to enjoy many other things, such as playing sports, a healthy, sober lifestyle, clarity of mind, which helps to achieve success in various matters, and the ability to be confident in itself without additional psychostimulants, successful communication with women and the like. Here a lot of things can be listed. So a bad habit is always a person’s choice of one kind of pleasure to the detriment of another. Bad habits can limit a person in many ways. This is what those people who cannot get rid of bad habits just because they consider getting rid of them an unnecessary restriction should always remember this. In fact, there are no restrictions here, there is simply a choice of what you can enjoy. that they consider getting rid of them an unnecessary restriction. In fact, there are no restrictions here, there is simply a choice of what you can enjoy. that they consider getting rid of them an unnecessary restriction. In fact, there are no restrictions here, there is simply a choice of what you can enjoy.

The benefits of habits

Habits can be useful on their own. There is nothing superfluous, wrong and unnecessary in nature. And the task of habits is to simplify our lives. As I wrote above, habits allow us to translate various types of activities into automatic mode, in which, firstly, we increase the speed of our performing these types of activities that we are used to, and secondly, we do not spend extra resources of our body for their implementation. Take, for example, the psycho-emotional state of a person – it will turn out to be much more stable if he deals with things familiar to him than with new, unknown, incomprehensible ones. Everything new, unusual, unexplored, can be fraught with a potential threat, therefore, a person needs to understand this properly, which will require him certain efforts and, consequently, resources. But everything familiar and familiar allows you to do this without any fear and to use what is well known to a person and what does not need to be re-studied, researched, checked. We all have some habits, it is impossible to live without them at all.

It is also important to understand that when doing familiar things and using familiar things and generally dealing mainly with everything familiar and familiar, a person can free himself time, either to rest if he needs it, or to learn something new. If we had to constantly deal with everything new, we simply could not withstand such a load on our psyche and intellect – we would have to constantly study everything anew. And so, we can get used to, say, familiar products and use them without any fear of running into something harmful and substandard. True, this is used by those who manipulate people using habits, so let’s now talk about their dangers.

Harm of habits

Each coin has two sides. And harm can be from everything, including habits. Personally, I consider any habits, especially weakness, which is easy to use. Although we can do a lot with their help on the machine, for example, to drive a car without thinking about our actions or to do our job, but at the same time, abusing everything that is familiar, we become very predictable and do not develop our adaptive skills. Succumbing to habits – people begin to hide from everything new, to the detriment of their interests. Worse, they begin to fear everything new, becoming vulnerable in the face of any changes, progress. The human brain becomes stiff, and the psyche becomes weak when he is dealing with everything familiar, avoiding everything new. And therefore, those who are open to the new can largely surpass it.

Also, one cannot fail to say about ways of manipulating people with the help of habits. Many people do not notice this or do not want to notice that they are very often manipulated using their habits. In the same business, this happens all the time. For example, very often customers are lured into a new store with various promotions, discounts, low prices and the like. And then, when people get used to this store, the prices in it smoothly rise, but people out of habit continue to buy various goods in it, even at very unprofitable prices. This does not always work and not with everyone, but some of the customers can be lured and retained in this way. Or goods that people are already used to may lose quality over time, but they will still be bought out of habit not noticing any difference or not attaching great importance to this moment. So there can be many options for covert influence on people who, due to their habits, become predictable and not critical enough to perceive various information, especially partially familiar.

Habits prevent us from expanding our internal picture of the world, because of them we do not notice or attach importance to what does not coincide with our already formed internal images and in this way we lose an enormous amount of valuable information that we could use for our good. Instead, we use outdated reality maps in our heads, which often fail us. After all, focusing on the wrong map, which has become one because it is out of date, a person will inevitably come to mistakes and dead ends. In one case he will make a mistake, in another, in a third, and thus his whole life can go downhill. For example, a person got used to some kind of work, but it is no longer relevant, society no longer needs it, so there is no point in doing it. And you won’t earn money, and you won’t build a career, and there will be no respect for you. So it must be changed to a new one. But a person can sit at this job to the last, because he is used to it. So people themselves drive themselves into deadlocks with their habits.

So, no matter how tempting it is to do the usual things and not strain again, thinking about something new and calling into question everything that you are used to, you need to remember that getting used to something, you can strongly limit yourself by closing your mind to much new. This does not mean that you need to fight all your habits, it is still impossible to do, even if you really want to. This suggests the need to abandon them in situations where they openly harm you or are simply useless. And there are a lot of useless habits in our life. Many traditions, rituals, customs have long become obsolete. There is no need for them. Therefore, they must be abandoned in order to behave more efficiently and adequately. Something new, better, more useful and effective is constantly appearing in the world, therefore, holding on to the old, familiar, familiar, but outdated and therefore absolutely unnecessary, is sometimes simply stupid. But the habit, as you know, is second nature, so it is often difficult for people to give it up. However, it is possible. Let’s see what needs to be done for this.

How to get rid of a habit?

Getting rid of habits and habits can become both a very simple and a very difficult task, depending on which person and which habits you need to get rid of. This task will be simple due to the fact that a person can be switched from his old habit to something else, which later can become a new habit for him if he is very interested in something – some profitable, some kind of encouragement, the opportunity to succeed in an important business for him. People, in principle, are ready to give up the good, for the sake of the best. It is only necessary to correctly demonstrate to them this best, so that they clearly and clearly imagine what benefits they can get by going towards the new. Suppose a person is used to his work, and here he is offered a new – more interesting, status and high-paying job, which is simply impossible to refuse. No additional requirements are imposed on him that could seriously strain him, so he only needs to make a decision and take the minimum number of actions to take up a new business. Well, who will refuse such an offer. In other words, when something new is clearly more profitable than the old, a person will forget about his old habits and begin to get used to the better, will form new habits. People love everything new when they are not afraid of it. But they are not afraid of him when they understand. when something new is clearly more profitable than the old, a person will forget about his old habits and begin to get used to the better, will form new habits. People love everything new when they are not afraid of it. But they are not afraid of him when they understand. when something new is clearly more profitable than the old, the person will forget about his old habits and begin to get used to the better, will form new habits. People love everything new when they are not afraid of it. But they are not afraid of him when they understand.

But this task is difficult, just when, firstly, a person does not realize all the benefits that he can get by abandoning his old habits, and secondly, when he does not have the necessary willpower to abandon them . The second reason is especially serious, it is much more difficult to deal with it. Some people can start their life so hard that they don’t care how it goes. They are ready to put up with everything. As I wrote above, habits make our psyche weak and thinking inert. This is because they relax the person. And a person must constantly overcome some kind of resistance, make efforts to achieve some goals, adapt to something new, in order to maintain vitality, vitality. And if, thanks to habits, he lives in constant comfort, then many of the functions of his body, both physical and mental, simply atrophy. So you can’t force some people to give up what they’re used to with any gingerbread, simply because they don’t have the abilities thanks to which they can become addicted to something new – these abilities fell asleep in them. So this, I repeat, is a fairly common and very serious problem that is not so easy to solve.

I had to work with people who have reduced their whole lives to rather primitive and often bad habits. For example, this is gambling, including dependence on gambling, this is a terrible job in which a person simply burns his life, this is the lack of communication with people and, as a consequence, isolation and limitation, and so on and so forth. A person accustomed to these things immerses his mind in a prison in which he slowly dies. Such people have to be pulled out of their very limited and gloomy world step by step. And in this work, of great importance is their agreement that they need to give up their habits. If they do not want this, then without radical measures their problem is generally impossible to solve. And of course, they themselves cannot help themselves, because they do not have the necessary strength for this.

You can cope with habits with the help of the mind and with the help of emotions. Most people use emotions, it’s easier. A habit is directly related to such innate feelings as laziness and fear. They, in turn, cause a person to a certain emotional state, which prompts him to certain actions. There are other feelings and qualities in the structure of habits, but laziness and fear are the main ones. Therefore, it is precisely these feelings that must be influenced in the first place in order to rid a person, including himself, of a particular habit. There can be many combinations here. For example, saving a person from fear of something new, one can simultaneously awaken in him both an interest in something and a desire to get something, to come to something, to succeed in something. As a result, one emotion fades, the other blooms. And if a person does not respond to the bait – wants nothing and is not interested in anything, then you can replace his old fear with a new, even stronger fear, which will make him abandon the habit. So, in particular, they treat some alcoholics and drug addicts, inspiring them with certain attitudes. Well, everyone probably heard about the so-called coding, which in some cases is nothing more than an suggestion. And influencing the feeling of laziness, you can promise a person quick and easy results in some business in order to move him off the ground and when he gets involved in the process, it will be harder for him to refuse him, after all, he already has some resources spent to start doing something. So people are encouraged, for example, to learn. It’s not so easy to get used to it, but if you started to do it, then it will be easier to continue. Man appreciates his resources, therefore, he often tries to be consistent so as not to think that he spent them in vain. Let’s say, if a person sells an expensive book, he will be more willing to study it and take it more seriously than if he got it cheaply or even free of charge. People are so arranged that they value above what they hardly received and for which they gave some of their resources. This can be used to rid them of old habits through a feeling like laziness. It is only necessary to force them [or themselves] to start doing something new, unusual, preferably with the use of some resources, for example, money. And then a person will be drawn into this process and gradually get rid of the old habit, or at least acquire a new one. then he would be more willing to study it and take it more seriously than if he got it cheaply or even free of charge. People are so arranged that they value above what they hardly received and for which they gave some of their resources. This can be used to rid them of old habits through a feeling like laziness. It is only necessary to force them [or themselves] to start doing something new, unusual, preferably with the use of some resources, for example, money. And then a person will get involved in this process and gradually get rid of the old habit, or at least acquire a new one. then he will be more willing to study it and take it more seriously than if he got it cheaply or even free of charge. People are so arranged that they value above what they hardly received and for which they gave some of their resources. This can be used to rid them of old habits through a feeling like laziness. It is only necessary to force them [or themselves] to start doing something new, unusual, preferably with the use of some resources, for example, money. And then a person will be drawn into this process and gradually get rid of the old habit, or at least acquire a new one. It is only necessary to force them [or themselves] to start doing something new, unusual, preferably with the use of some resources, for example, money. And then a person will get involved in this process and gradually get rid of the old habit, or at least acquire a new one. It is only necessary to force them [or themselves] to start doing something new, unusual, preferably with the use of some resources, for example, money. And then a person will get involved in this process and gradually get rid of the old habit, or at least acquire a new one.

So you can deal with habits in different ways to get rid of those that we don’t need. This can be done with the help of simple methods, and with the help of rather sophisticated multi-pass combinations that allow you to deceive the mind of a person so that he is not afraid of the new and not lazy. Of course, we do not need to get rid of all habits, especially since it is still impossible to do. The main thing is to leave those of them that help us, and not harm. Therefore, friends, try, experiment, check different approaches to yourself and to those whom you want to wean from some harmful or useless habits, habits, in general, pick the key to your and other people’s minds. And then, sooner or later, a person will be able to get away from everything old and ineffective, to which he is accustomed to take a fresh look at life.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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