Glutamine and Immunity

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the human body. It is one of the molecules necessary to nourish and repair various tissues, such as skin, nails, muscles and organs. Glutamine also performs several other functions in the body: it maintains the acid / base balance, in addition to contributing to the absorption of nutrients and serving as an energy source for the cells of the immune system present in the intestine.

Glutamine, or L-glutamine, also serves to transport ammonia and nitrogen through the bloodstream, which is why it is necessary to maintain good levels of this molecule in the blood. One way is through dietary supplements that contain glutamine, such as Whey Protein . Whey protein is whey protein, which has a very high concentration of glutamine and BCAA, which are the branched chain amino acids. They are essential to develop, maintain and increase muscles.

Glutamine is an amino acid considered “non-essential”, that is, it is synthesized by our own body from the consumption of other amino acids, without the need for glutamine itself to be present in the diet.

Benefits of Glutamine

1. Improves Intestinal Health

Glutamine acts in favor of cell growth and helps in the absorption and transport of nutrients, as well as in increasing intestinal permeability. It has the function of nourishing enterocytes (intestinal cells), ensuring that the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract is strengthened and thus prevents the entry of bacteria and macromolecules into the bloodstream. An intact gastrointestinal mucosa contributes to the absorption and utilization of nutrients. Glutamine is still a precursor to glutathione, an antioxidant that can protect the body against the production of free radicals.

2. Improves the Immune System

There is no way to have good immunity if your intestinal health is not good. After all, much of the body’s defense takes place in our intestinal tract, where antibodies are produced, which protect the entire body.

Glutamine has a reparative action on the mucosa, since this amino acid is the main energy source for mucosal cells and certain immune cells (such as thymocytes, lymphocytes and macrophages). Still, even with studies that are not yet conclusive, glutamine also provides benefits in the prevention of diseases and in the treatment of patients with weakened immune systems, such as those undergoing cancer treatment or HIV carriers.

Glutamine supplementation is important for the immune system, as it is used at high rates by immune cells that lack the necessary enzyme to produce glutamine. Consequently, the immune system is dependent on the glutamine synthesized and released by the muscle.

3. Improves Performance in Physical Exercises

Glutamine is largely responsible for transporting nitrogen available in the body to muscle tissue cells. When high intensity physical exercises are practiced , the organism wears out, caused by catabolism.

Catabolism is a natural process of metabolism in which nutrients and other substances break down for energy. When done in an uncontrolled way, it ends up hindering the growth of new tissues, such as muscles. If there is no replacement of substances to the tissue, it does not recover properly and muscle mass is affected.

Glutamine also contributes to the construction of proteins, thus improving the athlete’s performance and helping to gain muscle mass. In addition, it also contributes to muscle recovery and endurance.

4. Contributes to the Central Nervous System

The health of our intestinal microbiota can impact the central nervous system (CNS). Some bacteria in our intestinal flora (or lack thereof), can impact our neurotransmitters, such as GABA, which is the main CNS inhibitory neurotransmitter and is significantly involved in the regulation of many physiological and psychological processes. Changes in the expression of the central GABA receptor are implicated in the appearance of anxiety and depression , which may be correlated with functional intestinal disorders. An intestine with a strong protective barrier will help with GABA and contribute to improving mood as well.

How to take glutamine?

Glutamine is usually sold in powder form. The ideal is to take it on an empty stomach (it can be in the morning, with water and lemon , or at night with lactobacilli and probiotics).

Lemon water is the base and you can add several options to a morning antioxidant shot – green propolis , turmeric , ginger, essential oils, chlorella , spirulina, and glutamine is one of them. Glutamine can also be added to vitamins and juices .

Recommended Quantity

The recommended amount will depend on the case or need of each one. For those who simply want to improve intestinal health and immunity, doses of 3 to 5 grams daily are enough. For athletes, the dose may be slightly higher (around 10 to 20 grams). Beware of excess, as it can harm your health.

Where to buy glutamine?

You find and glutamine in health food stores or online stores that sell supplements. It is necessary to be careful when buying not to choose one with low quality. The ideal is that it is pure, without other ingredients. The glutamine I’m taking is from the B-On brand , which is very safe. If you want to check it, go here .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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