Does Ghost of Tsushima have multiple endings?

Ghost of Tsushima is the latest release from Sbigoattacco Productions, a studio known for offering decision-based storytelling. Since Tsushima’s protagonist Jin can decide how to deal with the conflict, you may wonder if the game offers multiple endings. Can things only work one way? How many endings does Ghost of Tsushima have? We have all the relevant details described below.

Before reading ahead, don’t worry – we won’t be providing any plot-related spoilers. That said, if you don’t want to get any details on ending the game, stop reading now.

Tsushima ghost | Are there multiple endings?

Ghost of Tsushima has two separate endings based on a choice you will have to make during the game’s ending. Fortunately, these multiple endings don’t change any aspect of post-match play. However, they will affect the post-match reward received.

As this is a spoiler-free guide, we won’t give more specific details. After all, you probably just want to know if the game plays out differently based on your decisions. Overall, it isn’t.

Put simply, there is only one decision that really makes a difference with the ending. If so, this decision takes place right at the end of the game. Depending on your choice, you will see one of two different scenes. This decision also affects the end-of-game reward you will receive.

Otherwise, Ghost of Tsushima’s multiple endings don’t make much difference. When all is said and done, you will still be put back into the world where you can explore your heart’s content.

Yes, Ghost of Tsushima has multiple endings. The conclusion of Jin’s story can be interpreted in two different ways and it is up to you to decide which path the warrior takes. Regardless of how the story ends, you will still be able to continue playing once after the credits have been rolled.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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