Ghost of Tsushima Honor System | Is there an indicator of morality?

With the dichotomy between Jin’s samurai and ghost sides, it would make sense if Tsushima’s ghost had an honor system. A key part of the game’s story is the conflict between bushido (the way of the samurai) and the ghost ninja-like tactics that Jin must use to free Tsushima. You will think that for this reason the game would have a morality indicator, invisible or not, which would influence the story.

Does Ghost of Tsushima have an honor system?

When the game starts, Jin is the last of the Sakai clan. It is the ward of his uncle, Lord Shimura, the head of the Shimura clan and Jito (governor) of Tsushima Island. He has been fully trained in the strict samurai philosophy and lives his life according to bushido principles. However, when the island’s samurai clans are massacred during the Mongol’s landing, Jin finds himself in a situation where he can no longer follow the samurai’s path.

When Jin begins his individual fight against the Mongols, he adopts tactics that the samurai would consider dishonorable. Stealth kill and poison are both options open to players. However, during most of the game, the player has the option of joining bushido or playing using ghost tactics.

Unfortunately, there is no honor system or morality indicator in Ghost of Tsushima. Regardless of how honorably you play, there will be extreme situations where Jin is forced to fight in a way that the samurai considers dishonorable. This puts him in conflict both internally and with his uncle, Lord Shimura. Bushido is a rigid code without forgiveness for those who violate it. He has no provision for the kind of situation Jin finds himself in, and must choose between sacrificing Tsushima to remain true to his principles or breaking them to save his people


by Abdullah Sam
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