Do you want to know how to get your ex back? You are no longer together, but you keep dying to see him again?

Learning how to get back to your ex is not an easy task. If the relationship has ended surely it is because you have strong reasons for it. However, if you really want to win your partner back you do not have to stop trying as long as you see that it is reciprocal.

Many think that when it comes to winning back your ex, it is important to give him an ear, give him a lot of pain, or buy him some detail. Nothing is further from reality. Your ex-partner probably wants just the opposite:

  • He doesn’t want you to tell him all his good things and how good a person he is, but to take your share of the blame in the breakup and correct your mistakes.
  • He does not want to look bad because he cares for you and he wants you to be happy whether you are together or not.
  • He does not need gifts, but you show him that you have changed what he did not like about you. However, once the contact is mutual and you know that your ex also wants to see you again, it’s great to surprise him or give him some detail. Here we leave you a few ideas that can help you!

How to get my ex-boyfriend back

Your relationship is over, but you don’t give up and want to know how to get your ex-boyfriend back. As we have mentioned, it is not easy, but neither is it impossible. Above all, be patient and always keep in mind that it will be a long process. Get to work to win back your boyfriend or girlfriend!

Follow these five steps to learn how to make your boyfriend fall in love again!

  1. Get away for a while. Resuming contact should not be immediate to the breakup. You must take time for several reasons: you both have to think, it will help you to know if you have to be together and to see if you miss him.
  2. Think about the reasons for the breakup. Surely, if nothing changes inside you, the relationship will not work. Therefore, you must think about whether you are really willing to work on what led to the end.
  3. Work hard on yourself. The next step is to spend a lot of time with yourself to know what and how you can change, if that is going to make you a better person or if, no matter how hard you try, the relationship will not work.
  4. Time to resume contact. When a certain time has passed (it depends on many factors), it will be time to speak to him again. There are hundreds of ways: writing a letter, a WhatsApp, a call, forcing a meeting on the street … Choose the one that you think will make you both feel more comfortable.
  5. Be sincere. Talk to him from the inside and tell him the reasons why you want to resume the relationship and what you have changed to ensure that everything will work. In the end, it is not only up to you, but if you see that everything is different, it is easier to dare to try.
  6. What can you lose? If you see that he is not sure to resume the relationship, ask him the question. If it works out, the better for both of you. But, if it goes wrong … What happens? Nothing! Assure him that he will not suffer, that it is only a test and that, if one of the two is not at ease, it is as simple as taking different paths again.

How to get my ex-girlfriend back if she doesn’t want to come back to me

You have to be aware that if your ex does not want to return with you, it is because he will have his reasons for doing so. Chances are it won’t work to talk to him every day, tell him that you miss him or that you can’t live without him or her . She will be making her life and, at least for the moment, you do not enter her plans.

However, if you really want to win him back you can try without overwhelming him. Remembering good times, perhaps you will feel those butterflies in your stomach again . Do you want to know how to get your ex-boyfriend back if he no longer loves you? Keep reading!

First of all, it is important that you demonstrate with facts that you have changed those things that caused the relationship to end. The key? Let him see for himself and not because you tell him to. You will need more time, but it is better that the process is slow.

Once he sees your change, talk to him without focusing on the past: it is okay that, from time to time, you remember good times together, but it is better to look to the future and talk about plans and what your relationship would be like now. I walked past!

Although it is essential not to look back, it is also important to be honest and make things clear. There is no point in playing ‘Nothing Has Happened Here’ because it has. Therefore, when you have resumed the conversations, open yourself, apologize if you consider it so and make it clear to him: why you want to return and what you can offer him.

How to get your ex back on WhatsApp

If you really want to know how to win your partner back, it is essential to keep in mind that contact should take place gradually : little by little and without stress. Let a certain time elapse since the breakup and test her reaction with a brief first contact through WhatsApp: ask her how her life, her family, her work are going…

That way, it is easier to know if the other person also wants to come back to you. For the first contact to be successful, keep in mind the following keys:

  • Change your profile picture. It may seem banal, but it is important that you see that your life has changed and that you are no longer the same person. In the end, if the relationship is over it is for some reason and you better see that you have changed and that everything can work better now.
  • Don’t overwhelm him. As much as you want to return, it is important not to burden him by talking to him every five minutes. Both of you need your space and getting back in touch should be slow, an addition to your day to day, but not an obsession. At first, speaking once every fortnight may be enough.
  • If the conversation doesn’t flow, don’t insist. You don’t know what he’s doing at the moment, and if he doesn’t give you too much conversation, maybe he’s doing something important or just doesn’t feel like it. Don’t insist: find another time to talk to him.
  • Don’t always write to him first. One of the ways of knowing if the feeling is reciprocal is to see if the other person also initiates the conversation. If you see that he never writes to you on his own, he probably isn’t interested in you.
  • Shows emotional stability. Your ex is not a cloth of tears and, although you may want to be together, it is important that you are not crying every minute. Be positive and happy and you will pass it on in every conversation. Everything will flow more!
  • Find out about topics that interest you. Even if you haven’t done it during the relationship, maybe it’s a good time to read about what you’re passionate about. That way, you will have a good conversation and will see that your interest is real.
  • Don’t set out to see him until you’re sure he wants to, too. If the conversation goes normally… Bravo! But do not anticipate: until you see that the other person wants exactly the same as you do not propose a date. Before that, a phone call would be perfect.

We hope that our tips and ideas on how to get your ex back will be useful to you and, above all, help that special person you still remember come back to you. We wish you all the luck in the world! Leave us any comments or questions, we love reading you.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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