Gender identity: everything you need to know

Much is said about gender identity . The discussion has been heated in recent years, as everyone seeks to understand this concept. The truth is that the definition of gender has changed rapidly over the years and not everyone has been able to keep up with this change completely.

Because of that, there is still a lot of misinformation linked to this issue. And while this is not always the case, some people end up hurting others psychologically, emotionally and physically because of a lack of information.

We know that this misinformation can lead many people to suffering. And, in the week that we celebrate LGBTI pride, we prepared a complete article on the subject! Follow me. ?

What is gender?

First, it is necessary to understand the definition of gender, or rather, the definitions.

Several explanations have been created by scholars and philosophers , resulting in a diversity of views regarding a single concept.

In a simple way, gender can be defined as a grouping of individuals, objects and ideas that have characteristics in common.

According to the WHO, gender has implications for health throughout a person’s life in terms of norms, roles and relationships.

It influences a person’s risky and health-seeking behaviors, exposure to health risks and vulnerability to disease. Gender shapes the experience of all health care, in terms of accessibility, access and use of services and products and interaction with health service providers.

A little more about gender

Gender can also be defined as the relations between men and women, both perceptual and material. Gender is not biologically determined as a result of the sexual characteristics of women or men, but is socially constructed.

It is a central organizing principle of societies, and generally governs the processes of production and reproduction, consumption and distribution

Gender issues often focus on women and the relationship between men and women, their roles, access and control over resources, division of labor, interests and needs. Gender relations affect family security, family well-being, planning, production and many other aspects of life

In short, this definition is associated with the characteristics commonly attributed to men and women. For understanding to be easier, think about film genres.

There are films of romance, action, horror, suspense, comedy, among many others. Each is placed in a category because it contains specific qualities that define them.

For example, romance films show a couple in love while action films involve fights, wars, secret missions, explosions and other characteristics related to the confrontation between two forces in a fantastic setting.

The male and female genders also have unique attributes. We can all recognize them easily because we have been taught and conditioned since childhood to do so. In our country, people are expected to express behavior consistent with the gender assigned to them .

A rather simple example is the fact that women paint their nails and wear makeup and men do not.

For women, this is common behavior. When someone acts differently than expected, such as a man painting his nails or a woman not liking makeup, it can cause strangeness in others.

What is gender identity?

Gender identity is about how a person feels about his or her gender. Although, as mentioned earlier, the masculine and the feminine are the most recognized, an individual can identify himself in another gender “category”.

Contrary to what many people think, gender is not only related to the anatomy of the genitals . The person’s self-image is the factor that stands out the most since he defines himself according to his perception of himself.

In addition to involving the way a person sees himself in the world, it also encompasses the mode of expression, such as clothes and appearance.

Consequently, his behavior, body language, way of speaking and even way of thinking are also influenced by the identity with which he identifies.

Conflict arises when a person acts and thinks differently from the norms attributed to their gender. Each culture, whether from another nation or from a different region, has its own concepts of what is right and wrong for each genre. But these do not always match the individual’s individuality.

Types of gender identity

There are three main types when it comes to gender identity. Before presenting them, it is important to emphasize that a person can express more or less characteristics considered feminine or masculine in all cases.

Therefore, it is important to look at the types of gender identity with the awareness that they are based on the feelings and life experiences of real people and not just scientific definitions.

  • Cisgender: is the person who identifies with the biological sex designated at the time of birth.
  • Transgender: is someone who identifies with a gender other than that assigned at birth.
  • Non-binary: someone who does not completely identify with the “gender of birth” or another gender. This person may not see himself in any of the common roles associated with men and women as well as experiencing a mixture of both.

But how can a man feel like a woman in the wrong body? How can someone not identify with either gender or both? How is this identity formed?

Know that there is no determining factor.

Some believe that a person identified as a transgender has experienced major trauma in childhood or a misconduct. However, none of these speculations is correct.

Gender identity comes from birth.

A person who “suddenly” finds himself transgender is very likely already struggling with his own prejudices and internal conflicts and, finally, is able to express himself as he really is.

Gender identity X sexual orientation

Although they cause confusion among people, there is no relationship between these two concepts.

Sexual orientation can simply be defined as the sexual desire that an individual feels for another .

A “transgender man” can be attracted to both men and women. A lesbian woman with a preference for a typically masculine appearance does not necessarily want to have the anatomy of a man or be treated as one. Although such cases may exist, it is not a universal truth.

It is expected that after going through a gender transition, treatment based on hormone intake and surgical procedures to achieve the desired appearance, the person will be attracted to the opposite sex. But this is not always the case.

The correct thing would be not to ask questions about other people’s intimacy , but in case of doubts about someone’s sexual orientation, asking instead of assuming is the most sensible solution.

The most common types of sexual orientations are:

  • Heterosexual: attraction to the opposite sex.
  • Homosexual: same-sex attraction.
  • Bisexual: attraction to both.
  • Asexual : attraction to none. Although the person does not feel sexual desire, he is able to maintain a loving relationship.
  • Pansexual: attraction to people, regardless of sex.

Gender identity X Sex

Another common cause of doubt is where sex fits. Popularly, we use the word sex instead of gender to define whether someone is a man or a woman. It is common to hear the expression “male” or “female”.

But, in the midst of all these new concepts associated with human sexuality , is it really right to say so?

Sex refers to the biological and anatomical distinctions of the human body . In other words, to Organs genitals, reproductive devices and others. A biologically female person has a vagina while a biologically male person has a penis.

Gender, on the other hand, is associated with the social construction of biological sex . Therefore, it is expected that a biologically female person will follow the social rules associated with their sex.

For example, a popular debate about modern love relationships between heterosexual couples is the division of tasks in Brazilian homes. In the past, women took care of household chores and men worked outside the home.

As this dynamic is no longer the only one found in society, it causes questions and discussions about what prevents a woman or a man from playing the role of the other or both at the same time. It is the questioning of the sexual construction of sex “from birth”.

How can psychotherapy help in gender identity conflicts? 

Fortunately, the conversation about sexuality has increased a lot in the past 10 years. This exhibition is beneficial because, today, young people who are discovering sexuality have more resources and access to important issues on the topic .

Thus, the process of discovering and understanding one’s gender identity is less painful than it has been in the past. Discrimination can hide this reality, making it appear that “nothing has changed”, but it is necessary to celebrate even the smallest achievements.

Still, people of all ages face internal conflicts over their own sexuality. Furthermore, in a world that is still moving towards a reality of understanding and benevolence, these conflicts tend to worsen due to external pressures.

The psychotherapy , for naturally seek self – knowledge and the solution to the problems that affect mental health , can mitigate the conflicts generated by doubts, questions and social pressures. 

Psychotherapy works on identity issues

One aspect that is worked on in therapy is identity. That is, multiple patients have questions about who they really are, which way they should go and why they can’t feel good in their own skin.

The discovery of sexuality, the recognition and acceptance of it, and the time to tell parents and friends are not always easy.

When the person does not find support in his social circle, his emotional state can worsen. The conflicts generated by this helpless person are usually carried over a lifetime, causing suffering to the individual.

Psychotherapy can help in all these stages. It can serve both as a guide for the person to discover or accept himself or as a friendly shoulder to help him regain self-esteem and happiness .

Through constant questions and reflections, the patient discovers and understands feelings, hurts and pains. This is how you become able to reframe your negative memories and emotions.

Psychotherapy and emotional disorders

It is common for men and women who identify as transgender to experience transphobia. Brazil has one of the highest rates of violence against transsexuals, especially in places where basic information about gender identity cannot reach.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for transsexual patients to have emotional disorders resulting from direct or indirect violence. Just being aware of the possible forms of discrimination that exist already affects the mental health of these individuals.

Sometimes, constant contact with cases of violence through news, social media reports or gossip can trigger anxiety , panic and depression . The fear of suffering a physical or verbal attack, in this case, is suffocating and can turn into paranoia.

Psychotherapy has the role of treating mental disorders and restoring tranquility to the patient, strengthening their ability to deal with stress and prejudice in a healthy way.

Psychotherapy can help to deconstruct negative beliefs

In Brazil, it is still common to find several mistaken beliefs about gender identity and sexual orientation.

It is possible, then, that the transsexual or non-binary patient will be overcome by great anxieties regarding behaviors and opinions based on these beliefs. You can even internalize them and unconsciously believe them.

Consequently, the person cannot like himself and suffers extreme distress when he presents a behavior considered ‘inappropriate’, as expected.

A common result of this conflict is the construction of a life with an ‘adequate appearance’ just to fit the expectations of others. This forged reality brings much suffering to the individual and ends up affecting loved ones, who may feel betrayed by ‘the life of lies’.

In the same way that the patient is able to reframe his emotions, he also has the ability to do so with conflicting beliefs with the help of psychotherapy.

When to seek psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is always open to help people have a happier, healthier and more profitable life.

Individuals who have questions related to gender identity or even about their sexual orientation may have certain reservations about initiating a therapy process .

However, there is no need to cultivate doubt or shame about opening up to an unknown person. The psychologist is a professional trained to conduct the interaction with the patient in the most comfortable way possible .

Fortunately, today it is possible to find many professionals specialized in dealing with issues arising from sexuality! They are best known as sexologists .

What will define which is the best psychologist and the best approach for each patient is identification. Empathy between professional and patient and comfort when interacting with the chosen method is necessary.

In summary, the patient can seek psychotherapy when he wishes to live better with himself.

Whenever a person feels that their emotional problems are taking over the outside life, affecting relationships, mood and self perception, it is recommended to seek professional help.

The Vittude is a platform that aims precisely approaching psychologists and therapists of patients. D

this way, people can find the professionals they are looking for with greater ease and schedule appointments online at flexible times.

We want to promote psychotherapy so that people can keep their mental health up to date and have a healthier and happier experience.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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