Gardener tools

The Gardener Tools allow you to do the gardening tasks more comfortable, both simple and usual as well as specific for each job.


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  • 1 Classification according to its use
    • 1 Cutting and pruning tools
    • 2 Irrigation tools
    • 3 Weeding tools and soil work
    • 4 Protection elements
  • 2 Basic tools
    • 1 Rake
    • 2 Planter shovel
    • 3 Hoe
    • 4 Gardener’s broom
    • 5 Scraper
  • 3 Maintenance and conservation
  • 4 Sources

Classification according to use

Cutting and pruning tools

  • lawn mowers
  • scythes

Irrigation tools

  • hoses
  • sprinklers
  • water spikes

Weeding tools and soil work

  • Pallas
  • rakes
  • hoes
  • carpenters
  • specific sowers

Protective elements

  • gloves
  • clear glasses
  • boots

Basic tools


It is mainly used in cleaning and refining the terrain. Normally this work is done after digging the ground .

Planter shovel

It is a fairly common utensil. It is usually used to extract the earth from a hole in which it has been dug. It is also used to fill holes when transplanting and planting.


It is an element that varies in name depending on size. It can be hoe, hoe (smaller) or hoe (larger). It allows to turn the earth, to remove it around trees and plants . It is also used to remove weeds that surround the roots .

Gardener’s broom

Its use is very suitable once the mowing or pruning work is finished, mainly to collect the leaves or even the grass . Normally its rods are metallic, flat and somewhat elastic.


Its main function is to eliminate weeds. It is composed of a horizontal blade with two curved arms attached to the lower end of the handle.

Maintenance and conservation

Learning to care for each of the tools is very important since they also directly affect the care of the plants.

Aspects to consider:

  • The tools must be cleaned every time they are used, removing any dirt, plants or dirt from their surface. Making sure to keep them well dry.
  • If they have rusted, they should be cleaned with a cloth, smeared with kerosene or machine oil.

A good homemade trick is to melt resin with lard, heat it slightly, and spread it on metal surfaces. If this technique is used, the solution should be left to act for at least a few hours (from 5 or 6).

  • Plastic or resin tools can be washed with soap and water, not forgetting to dry them well before storing them (like the previous ones).
  • Other plastic and flexible utensils such as hoses, for example, also need to be cared for with special attention: they should be kept out of direct sunlight whenever possible, they should always be kept tightly rolled up, protecting them from the cold in the winter with a plastic cover. Spreading these utensils with glycerin will help them stay in better condition while stored.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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