Worrying about our mind is something important. And improving our memory is not only something possible, but it can also be fun. The games to improve memory is the most effective form of what is known as cognitive stimulation, something that has long been showing its benefits in the Center Denken Barcelona.

Keeping our brain active and our memory awake can help us a lot in our daily lives and will reduce the risk of degenerative diseases. And what is the best way to put our mind to work without it being boring? With games to improve memory . Today we propose a few.


These simple games to improve memory are technical practices with very useful numbers and letters to improve retentive:

Chained words

Game to play in groups (minimum 3 or 4 people), perfect to train the language but also to exercise our verbal memory, the speed of processing and information retrieval.

It consists of a person saying a word and the next one has to say another that begins with the last syllable of the previous word.

The perches rule

A list of words is associated with a certain number. In Spanish, the following sequence can be used, based on the physical resemblance between numbers and objects: 1-post, 2-bicycle, 3-tricorn, 4-chair, 5-hand, 6-golf club, 7-flag, 8 -glasses, 9-person, 10-ball. With this technique, to memorize the date 1746 we would use the image of a pole (1) where a flag is placed (7), we climb on a chair (4) and remove it with a golf club (6).

Chain phrases

Perfect game to work immediate memory, learning ability and retention of new information. It is also for group or couple play.

The first participant says a phrase, the second must say the first sentence and add a second, the third must remember the two sentences and add a third. So on until a participant fails to remember the entire sequence.

Semantic fields

The game consists in choosing a specific semantic field: drinks, food, furniture, clothing brands, types of food, etc. Once chosen, each person must say a specific word that is included in that semantic field. And words are said (without repeating any of the above) until one of the group does not come any new to the mind.


This time we will try games to improve memory whose common denominator is the use of everyday objects.

Point objects

They are placed on a table 10 (or more objects). One person should act as a monitor and the other as a participant. The monitor should point out certain objects in the order they want and the participant must name them in the same order.

Another option is to remove some of the objects and for the participant to remember which ones are missing.

Object order

Present a series of objects (their number will depend on the difficulty you want to give them) and, one after another, ask questions of the type: which was the first, which was the last, which was before …, or which was after …


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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