functional Adaptation In Functional Recovery

It is understood by Functional Adaptations to any adjustment that allows locating the elements coughs or things within reach of use, physical or environmental, of each disabled person, to enable you to carry out the activities that they arise from human needs.

Through functional adaptations, all two accessories, implements or devices of common use, and the specific ones created two specially or modified to realize czar or auxiliary ADLs are appropriated to each individual need of the disabled person, allowing independently satisfy the requirements activities of their activities, already facilitating, securing or replacing, the movement (s) mments that compose them.

They exist in everyday use and in commerce in general, a number of elements that can be applied to solve the incapac¬ qualities of a cripple: others requiring a prior conditioning, modifying, changing changing or adding some feature: and the most that, taking advantage of experiences and ideas executed or own, must, with opportune tuna imagination and accurate criteria, create.

Adaptation is done with ingenuity moved by the desire for independence. Cons¬ increased, find in the ca¬ hedonic characteristics of the modern age,

avoid efforts or replace them with help mechanics, the opportunity to improve and be elaborated without requiring extreme in- particular industrialization, that is, without much economic requirement. The bars and tra¬ wrecks for commuting in bed or the tickets; clamps and extensions in general: cutlery and kitchen items hygiene with special handles; the tables, the desks, drawers, tall, surface and appropriate form: phones with support tes and many other things, are some of the more common adaptations, easy to get.

The vast majority of adap¬ tados have been invented by cripples, family members liars or specialized technical personnel who understanding the difficulties arising from disability, they found in them the solution tion to the needs of the physically handicapped. Functional adaptations are devised in the need. A little ingenuity plus eagerness to apply the concept of independence, to do by itself an activity, locates everyone the elements to satisfy the realization autonomy of ADL It can be stated that there is no particular rule to create or invent a functional adaptation. Forever Something useful will be achieved when, after studying gave of the patient’s possibilities, make an adaptation that allows executing independently an activity.

Adaptations are not essential¬ mind work of great technicians or product of a complicated mechanics; everything contra¬ river, they should always try to respond to principles of absolute and easy simplification building; in this regard, the implements commonly used natural, those that are within easy reach of each one, within their usual environment and their economic possibilities, are the materials to be considered in their creation. He material must meet the minimum of exi¬ agencies of the activity for which purpose has been have created the adaptation, in relation to its resistance, durability, easy cleaning, cos¬ color, color and many more features, which will imply its worthy usefulness and its end acceptance.

The importance of functional adaptations tions is confirmed through experi¬ cia of many crippled, who find in them the possibility of outlining all their activities vities independently.

Functional adaptations serve to enable the independent realization of activities in a useful way and an activity ee considered useful when performed with:

Safety: activity that can be carried out with certainty za and without danger.

Real time: activity achievable with du¬ serving according to your needs.

Resistance: activity achievable with fre¬ required strength and strength.

Skill: achievable activity with maximum possible skill.

That is to say, that functional adaptations enable the independent realization of activities safely, in real time, with stamina and dexterity; applying to get the total or any of these determinants. They manage to allow the realization independent organization of useful activities facilitate, secure, or replace the movements mments that compose them, and they achieve to the:

simplify your steps, require less effort. increase your support points, favor their speed. improve your coordination, avoid them, supply them or run them mechanically.

Functional adaptations are used when practice determines its usefulness in sol¬ problems related to disability physicality of the disabled in environments where will carry out its activities, but to establish If an adaptation is applicable, it is necessary carefully consider a number of factors; Well, if in general you should only apply I know when practice indicates that its usefulness is irreplaceable, the damage or the conve¬ nience of your application depends on factors similar to those mentioned to guide their adjustment: physical-functional, psychic-ainbien- such and / or medical-kinesics.

The application of the adaptations results harmful when:


L They can be avoided, because the crippled manages to perform the function without your help da, not allowing him to activate his values muscle res in movements.


2. They can be replaced by other more simple plified, as they provide too much help.


3. They can impede the development of capa¬ cities. when stopping progress with extreme patient-adaptive dependence tation.



4. They imply resistance to their use, pro¬ due to its non-acceptance, which pro¬ voca an apathy or inertia to perform any effort.


5. They imply impossibilities of construction technical and / or economic, with the consequent upset and frustration.



6. They are not allowed, to favor de¬ formations, damaging or injuring regions bodily, etcetera.


The application of the adaptations results

convenient when:


1. They are useful during training as long as the learning of an activity, to get some of its functions as a provisional medium to be able to carry it out completely, or as progressive stages

by Abdullah Sam
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