Family involvement in Functional Recovery program

Active participation in a program of Functional Recovery, acquires real tras¬ decline when physical treatment is coils in the home, especially in children, and when the crippled already sent to occupy a place in the family organization, you need a readjustment or learning for progress or development of their activities. However, and at all times, given the duality of problem, physical and mental, the family must observe a procedure and conduct that de¬ finish a useful and valid participation in physical collaboration and driving emotional disability.

Realistic understanding of the situation and residual capacities, and the focus what are the needs and how solve them, they allow to condition a without end of factors that converge to organize the life of the crippled and the situation of his family. Knowledge of techniques and methods of Functional Recovery provide the elements for the right approach, since answer and solve the questions of where and how to attend, what are the ca¬ residual capacities, and what is the development the possibilities to follow, guiding with these elements the scope of a com¬ realistic grip. Thus, the constant doubts about knowing whether or not the help will soon find enlightenment, but mitigating security and tranquility mental, so necessary to generally produce acid family chaos.

But, given the individuality of the problems more of care and attention, and diversity physical, mental, environmental conditions such and economic, it is convenient that a technical rehabilitation team leads and guide the family function. The family function rolling starts from the moment you are manifests incapacity, and his positivism depends on the channeling of the traumas that induces the appearance of a cripple in the painting family. From that moment the family must begin to acquire a high degree of insight into the problem of rehab¬ litation and its broad scope. The team technician conveniently advises the medium family on the physical and mental state of crippled patient, making him a participant in the pro¬ evolutionary process to locate it in reality of each day, and to make it collaborate conse¬ account with the needs of rehabilitation tation. All instructions conform to the con¬ dictions of intellectual perception proper to each family environment, penetrating it with coming from care needs that the cripple requires, and the obligations and attitudes to be assumed.

Active participation of the family environment It has different characteristics, depending on the country. the client fully performs the treatment at home or has gone through a rehabilitation; but, since the goal is achieve independence in carrying out the activities where they should be carried out, that is, in the house or on the street, the participation active involvement of the family environment in the pro¬ Functional Recovery program presents in both cases similar characteristics.

The active participation of the family must enable normal performance of tasks within the home, placing the crippled in the its rightful place within the frame family, assessing their residual capacities them, and abandoning any negative reaction that implies a lack of knowledge of the use quality of its functions or of superprotection.

Superprotection only goes to show inferiority, leading to a mental state physical and physical disability, which can cause a closed circle where the cripple totally depends on the family and this of the cripple, causing fatigue and discouragement that with the running of time can transform into an aggressive feeling towards the problem to be faced.

The environment that surrounds the cripple should have it only in relation to their real incapacity, because each advance that is obtained owes, to decrease it, avoid aid already converted into unnecessary.

by Abdullah Sam
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