Foods that Damage the Liver

The liver is a very important organ in the development of our organism , that is why it is so important that we know what are the foods that damage the liver and thus be able to avoid them in our diet.

This organ has as its main function the elimination of toxins from our body, that is, all those substances that do not serve us and, on the contrary, can harm us.

In addition, it helps store energy so that the body can use it when it needs it and also extracts nutrients from foods such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats, for digestion.

Foods that Damage the Liver

Red meat

Eating red meat very often results in an overload of work for the liver, as too much protein can cause this organ to not process it well.

In addition, these types of meat have more fat content than, for example, white meat or fish. It is advisable to consume a maximum of 3 times per week red meat.

See Also: Better Foods for the Kidneys.


It is probably what most affects the liver, its excessive consumption can become inflamed, causing the tissue to heal and triggering cirrhosis.

Excess alcohol causes the destruction of liver cells, this can cause in addition to cirrhosis, other diseases such as hepatitis or fatty liver.

Fast foods

They are foods rich in fat, sodium and calories, which affects the liver at a high level.In the face of excess, it is not able to eliminate, but ends up accumulating fat, leading to liver damage.

Sugar and salt

Too much sugar can cause fibrosis and other liver diseases, on the other hand, excess salt increases blood pressure and also increases the risk of fatty liver.

In this way, the consumption of soft drinks is not recommended because of its high sugar content or processed foods because they are rich in salt.

See Also: Foods to Reduce the Risk of Colon Cancer.

Good Foods for the Liver

  1. Artichoke: theyhelp cleanse and detoxify the liver because it has an antioxidant called silymarin.
  2. Chickpeas: itis a great source of amino acids, an essential component that influences our metabolism.
  3. Broccoli:is a vegetable rich in sulfur that also helps clean the liver, it is very important to prevent liver disease.
  4. Asparagus:rich in sulfur and water, so they help us eliminate toxins from our body through urine
  5. Leek: Justlike broccoli, leek is rich in sulfur, eating it daily does not generate any contraindication.
by Abdullah Sam
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