Food sovereignty

Food sovereignty is defined as the taking of protectionist policies by a certain territory and aimed at defending the interests of local agricultural producers, as well as food self-management of this.

Each territory, according to the theory of food sovereignty, must have sufficient powers to establish for itself a political line regarding the agricultural and food field.

The origin of this type of policy is based on civil society movements closer to environmental protection movements. Although also from societies defending the peasantry and the local agricultural sphere.

Specifically it was born in the nineties from the hands of the Via Campesina. Specifically, within the framework of the World Food Summit of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

This economic trend is closely linked to phenomena such as the social economy , the circular or green economy and sustainable development. In this sense, environmental care and protection are configured as bases of this theory.

Mechanisms developed for food sovereignty

The territories that apply a policy of this type usually establish a series of tools or mechanisms for its greater effectiveness:

  • Protectionist measures for national agricultural producers against the importationof products that offer competition from abroad. Regarding this fact, it is usual that its cost is lower.
  • Control of minimum prices. Ensuring, in this way, to locate these above the level of cost of domestic or national production.
  • Promotion of local markets and their greater accessibility for the consumer. Thus stimulating the existence of a territorial and cooperative systemfor populations.
  • Protection of rights derived from access to raw materials and energy resources. Especially with a view to the population with fewer means.
  • Surveillance of measures related to healthy or ecological food by the population (a clear example would be the taxon industrial pastries or sugary drinks
by Abdullah Sam
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