Flor de Baladre (Tomato variety)

Sugarcane tomato Baladre flower Indigenous variety of indeterminate growth can reach more than 2 m. Tall. The tomato is thin skinned and very fleshy, red-pink in color, fat in size and can reach 1 Kilo weight. Its flavor is sweet, once you try it you will see that it offers a unique flavor. It is a native variety of Murcia


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  • 1 Requirements
  • 2 plantation frames
  • 3 Pruning training
  • 4 Tutored
  • 5 Detailed
  • 6 Sources


The rational management of climatic factors together is essential for the proper functioning of the crop, since all of them are closely related and acting on one of them affects the rest. Temperature: it is less demanding in temperature than the eggplant and the pepper. The optimum development temperature ranges between 20 and 30ºC during the day and between 1 and 17ºC during the night; Temperatures above 30-35ºC affect fruiting, due to poor egg development and the development of the plant in general and the root system in particular. Temperatures below 12-15ºC also cause problems in the development of the plant. At temperatures above 25ºC and below 12ºC the fertilization is defective or null. The maturation of the fruit is highly influenced by the temperature regarding both earliness and coloration, so that values ​​close to 10ºC as well as above 30ºC cause yellowish tones. However, the temperature values ​​described are merely indicative, taking into account the interactions of temperature with the rest of the climatic parameters. Humidity: Optimal relative humidity ranges from 60% to 80%. Very high relative humidity favors the development of aerial diseases and the cracking of the fruit and make fertilization difficult, because the pollen compacts, aborting part of the flowers. The cracking of the fruit can also have its origin in an excess of edaphic humidity or abundant irrigation after a period of water stress. Also a low relative humidity makes it difficult to fix the pollen to the stigma of the flower. Luminosity: reduced luminosity values ​​can have a negative impact on the processes of flowering, fertilization as well as the vegetative development of the plant. At critical moments during the vegetative period, the interrelation between day and night temperature and luminosity is crucial. Soil: the tomato plant is not very demanding in terms of soils, except for drainage, although it prefers loose soils with siliceous-clay texture and rich in organic matter. However, it develops perfectly in sanded clay soils. As for pH, soils can be slightly acidic to slightly alkaline when sanded.

Plantation frames

The planting framework is established based on the size of the plant, which in turn will depend on the commercial variety cultivated. The most frequently used is 1.5 meters between lines and 0.5 meters between plants, although when it comes to medium-sized plants it is common to increase the planting density to 2 plants per square meter with frames of 1 mx 0.5 m. When guarding plants with perches, the lines must be “paired” to be able to pass the plants from one line to another, forming an endless chain, leaving wide aisles for the descent of perches (approximately 1.3 m) and a distance between joint lines of about 70 cm.

Training pruning

It is an essential practice for varieties of indeterminate growth. It is done 15-20 days after transplanting with the appearance of the first lateral stems, which will be eliminated, as well as the older leaves, thus improving the aeration of the neck and facilitating the carrying out of the hilling. Likewise, the number of arms (stems) to be left per plant will be determined. Pruning to 1 or 2 arms is frequent, although in Cherry type tomatoes 3 and up to 4 stems are usually left.


It is an essential practice to keep the plant upright and prevent the leaves and especially the fruits from touching the ground, thus improving the general aeration of the plant and favoring the use of radiation and carrying out cultural tasks (detailing, harvesting, etc.). All this will affect the final production, fruit quality and disease control. The fastening is usually carried out with polypropylene (raffia) thread attached from one end to the basal area of ​​the plant (bundled, knotted or tied with rings) and from another to a wire located at a certain height above the plant (1.8 -2.4 m above the ground). As the plant grows, it is bundled or attached to the tutor thread using rings, until the plant reaches the wire. From this moment on, there are three options:

  • Lower the plant by unhooking the thread, which carries an additional cost in labor. This system is beginning to be introduced with the use of a fastening mechanism called “Dutch” or “perches”, which consists of placing the hangers with thread wound around them to let it fall as the plant grows, holding it to the thread by clips. In this way the plant always develops upwards, receiving the maximum luminosity, which is why it affects an improvement in the quality of the fruit and an increase in production.
  • Let the plant grow by its own gravity.
  • Let the plant grow horizontally on the wires of the grid.


It consists of the elimination of axillary shoots to improve the development of the main stem. It should be done as often as possible (weekly in summer-fall and every 10-15 days in winter) to avoid photosynthetically active biomass loss and wounding. The cuts must be clean to avoid the possible entrance of diseases. In times of risk, it is advisable to carry out a phytosanitary treatment with some healing fungicide-bactericide, such as those derived from copper.


by Abdullah Sam
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