Fix The Error;The application is corrupted and cannot be opened.

Some Mac users may sometimes encounter a somewhat strange error when they try to open an application that has been downloaded to their computer from the Internet. During the first launch and verification of the application by the built-in gatekeeper, a small window appears with an error message:

“The application is corrupted and cannot be opened. Move the application to the Trash “ or ” The program failed to open due to corruption. Move the program to the Trash

You are given two options to choose from – move to the trash or cancel the launch of the downloaded application.

There are several options that can fix this error:

  • re-download the app
  • restart your mac
  • install the latest macOS operating system updates (OS X)
  • check if you are allowed to run programs from unidentified developers, if the Gatekeeper is blocking the launch of the application. For details on how to activate the installation of the program from all sources, read here

Often, this error occurs when launching “jailbroken” applications, so the methods described above will not help and you will still not be able to open the program. In this case, use the dedicated command xattr. This command is used to view and change the extended attributes of files on Mac, including applications on which the startup error appears.


Step 1 Launch the “Terminal” program, you can find it in the Applications → Utilities folder or call the Spotlight search ( ^Control + Пробел/ ⌘Cmd + Пробел- depends on your system) and enter the name of the program

Step 2 Enter the following command, specifying the path to the application and confirm the operation with the administrator password:

sudo xattr -cr /путь/к/приложению.app

sudo xattr -cr /Applications/WiFi\,
if the application name contains spaces, take it way into the “” (quotation marks):
sudo xattr -cr “/Applications/WiFi”

Step 3 Start the application that was giving the error. After using the command, the xattrprogram should open.

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by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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