Fix 0x000000ed error on Windows

Error 0x000000ed appears in Windows XP immediately after the computer is turned on or restarted. It is usually accompanied by an explanation of “Unmountable Boot Volume”, which literally means “Disabling the boot volume”, and a blue background. It is impossible to move beyond this window – the system does not work, there is no usual visualization. Below we will try to tell as thoroughly as possible about the methods of eliminating this error.

Fix error 0x000000ed on Windows.

Possible causes of the problem

There are not many reasons for the error 0x000000ed in Windows XP, which makes it much easier to find the right solution. It may be:

  • simple disconnection of a cable from the hard drive or a board;
  • cable damage;
  • failure of the hard drive after the installation of any software, updates or as a result of a virus attack;
  • physical breakdown of the hard drive.

In the first case, everything is simple: just securely connect the cable or change it and turn on the computer again so that it works properly. In the latter, no technical methods will help – will have to buy a new hard drive. But a system failure can be fixed.

How to fix a 0x000000ed stop error

Here are two surefire ways to deal with this error:

  • through “Safe Mode”;
  • using a boot disk / flash drive.

Start with the first, and then, if that doesn’t work, move on to the second.

Safe mode recovery

Once the “0x000000ed” window appears, enter “Safe Mode” (in Windows XP it is activated by the F8 key), because it runs only standard programs – it will be easier to fix the error if it is caused by an application.

  1. When you see a black window, scroll to “Safe Mode” and press “Enter.”
  1. Find the “Computer” icon and click on it with the additional button of the manipulator, select Properties.
  2. Here we are interested in the section “System Restore”. Check to see if the check box for restoring is removed. Remove it if it is standing there and confirm the changes.
  1. Now go to “Start” – “Standard” – “Office” – “Recovery”.
  2. Select Restore your computer to an earlier state and go to the next parameter.
  3. Remember the last time your computer was running smoothly, select the desired date and time from the list, double-click Continue, and wait for the restart to happen by itself.

When downloading, you will see if the “blue screen of death” has disappeared.

Check the disk from the Recovery Console

To do this, we will need a flash drive or disk with the image of the system loaded on it: the image can be downloaded, and then use a special recording program to make everything work properly.

  1. To fix error 0x000000ed, you must first go to BSVV: restart the PC and press F8, F12 or Del (the choice of key does not depend on which Windows you have: XP, 7 or 10 – it is completely subject to BSVV presets).
  2. Find the section with the list of equipment: it can be called differently, you will have to use an interpreter if you do not speak English, or look on the Internet for a description of the items of your BSVV.
  3. Find the name of your media and enable the Enable parameter for it, using the navigation arrows and the “Inter” key (in the old BSVV the mouse does not work).
  4. Place your disk / flash drive in the top row to access the image when the system starts.
  5. Reboot and confirm that you want to restore the system, press “R”, then “1” and the password to the account if your PC is password-protected.
  6. Enter the command: “chkdsk / r” (without quotes) and wait until the program finds and fixes all problems. This can take a long time, up to several hours. When the message that all activities are completed, write under the cursor “exit” and press “Inter”.

After rebooting, the blue screen with “stop 0x000000ed” should disappear. If your flash drive does not open, check the following:

  1. The quality of the image itself: it is desirable to download it from reliable sources or record yourself from a working system, as well as use popular recording programs that have good reviews.
  2. Connector or drive is working: try using another device to check this version, change the connector.
  3. BSVV firmware: older versions only support disks, you need to reflash.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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