How to fight anemia with a balanced diet

The anemia is a disease that occurs due to a decrease in hemoglobin in red blood cells. This condition, which can be caused by blood loss, by the lack of production of red blood cells due to their destruction, affects approximately 1,620 million people worldwide, which corresponds to 24.8 percent of the population, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO) .

Although it can affect anyone, its incidence is higher in school-age children (47.4 percent), especially that caused by a lack of iron , also called iron-deficiency anemia , since infants and young children For growth, they need more of this mineral than other people.

This lack of iron can affect multiple organs of the body and is usually caused, to a greater extent, by the absence of this mineral in the diet. According to the Spanish Society of Cardiology , the main solution to this problem lies in the oral intake of iron, but also in a change in nutrition that may reside in the introduction of the following foods in the daily diet:

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Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day so it is essential to supply our body with as much energy as possible for the day.

  • Coffee or infusion with skimmed milk or skimmed milk with cerealsMilk is not only rich in calcium , it is also important for nerve function, muscle contraction and blood clotting, the latter being essential to decrease blood loss.
  • Bread with oil.
  • Bread with a slice of york ham or serrano ham.
  • Piece of fruit: From the society they emphasize the importance of the consumption of citrus fruits, such as orange, tangerine, kiwi, grapefruit or strawberry, which provide vitamin C and help the absorption of iron.
  • Liquid yogurt: In general terms and without the need to be sick, it is convenient that we include this food in the diet, especially after taking antibiotics to strengthen the immune system.
  • Maria type cookies.
  • Orange juice: Low in calories but very rich in vitamin C.


To avoid “snacking” between meals, motivated by anxiety if you have had an early breakfast. The SEC recommends a wide variety of foods that can be eaten at these times:

  • Skimmed fruit yogurt.
  • Cereal bar.
  • Skim cheese.
  • Orange juice.
  • Skimmed yogurt with cereals.
  • Fresh cheese bread.
  • Coffee or infusion with skimmed milk.
  • Maria type cookies.


Legumes represent one of the greatest natural sources of iron, so they must be key pieces in the diet. Lentils especially have a higher quantity and are also enriched with protein and are low in fat.

As for foods of animal origin, they contain iron that is absorbed 30 percent more than those of plant origin.

The vegetables are also characterized by its high iron content , fiber , vitamin A, B9 and E and are a significant source of calcium.


by Abdullah Sam
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