What Is Fennel (foeniculum vulgare )

Fennel or foeniculum vulgare , by its scientific name, is an herbaceous plant that grows in different temperate zones around the world, although it is native to the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and southern Europe. The most suitable soils for its growth are those of medium consistency, permeable, without excess moisture, but without being completely dry.

Its stems are upright and branchy, between twelve and fourteen centimeters, approximately, although the plant can reach two meters in height. Its leaves are long and thin with an intense green or greyish color and split in many lacinias that in summer harden on the outside to avoid water loss. Its flowers, golden in color, are grouped into umbels or circular clusters of between ten and forty units, and contain small seeds.

The fennel stalks can reach two meters in height.


The most cultivated variety of this plant is the Florence fennel or sweet fennel, which grows mainly in southern Europe. But there are many others, like argo fennel, with a thick, white, round bulb; the genius fennel, with a very round and firm bulb and a medium caliber; the fennel carmo, with a firm and rounded bulb, although smoother and clearer; or fennel pollux, whose large-caliber, almost spherical bulb gives it an excellent presentation. These varieties can also be classified according to the shape of the bulb, having narrow and elongated plants and other almost spherical round plants. All varieties have a similar flavor.

Culinary uses

The plant is aromatic and is used mainly in food, as a spice , due to the sweet taste of its seeds, which are used dry as a condiment in dishes and recipes such as fish, curries and sauces, cakes and other pastry products. Likewise, the stems and leaves of fennel can be used as an aromatic herb and the bulb as a vegetable, which gives dishes a distinctive flavor. In some areas it is also prepared as an infusion, from which an aniseed-flavored drink is obtained.

Like most vegetables, fennel has a fairly low caloric intake , which makes it a recommended product for those who want to lose weight. It is a vegetable rich in carbohydrates and fiber , although its vitamin content is lower than that of other plants.

The mineral with the most abundance is potassium , but it also includes somewhat more discrete amounts of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium . Potassium participates in the aqueous balance of cells, both inside and outside of them, and is also necessary for the generation and transmission of nerve impulses , and for the maintenance of normal muscular activity . Thanks to the presence of folatesparticipates in the production of red and white blood cells, and in the formation of antibodies of the immune system. Throughout the plant, although especially in the seeds, fennel contains anethole, an oil that is attributed many of the properties of the product.


Fennel is also used in alternative medicine for its diuretic properties , its ability to reduce flatulence  and colic, and its antispasmodic effect on certain stomach muscles. It also favors digestion and helps stimulate appetite . Its digestive effects are enhanced if it is combined with other carminative plants such as anise, cumin, chamomile, pennyroyal, peppermint or lemon balm.

For this medicinal use the fruits are used, especially the seeds that are in them, from which an essential oil used in herbal medicine is obtained. Umbels should be cut when ripe. If it is made by hand, the results and the final quality are better. Then the most optimal seeds are selected, and it is verified that they do not have humidity so that they can be stored in hermetic envelopes, which must be kept in a dry place so that they keep all their properties.

Fennel can be used to relieve conjunctivitis  and other eye irritations, or eye fatigue. For this you have to squeeze the plant when it is tender, and apply the juice obtained with a gauze over the eyes. Another method would be to cook seeds of the plant in water until it boils, filter it and when it is cold use it to wash the eyes several times a day.


by Abdullah Sam
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