Fasting during Pregnancy Can Reduce Amniotic Water, Myth or Fact?

Pregnant women are actually included in the group that may not fast in the month of Ramadan. Yes, pregnant women get relief can pay fasting after Ramadan is over or by paying fidyah. But, if the condition of the mother and the fetus is healthy, you may be fine if you want to keep fasting Ramadan.

Although they feel healthy and are able to practice fasting, some pregnant women are often worried about the condition of the womb. For example, some say that fasting during pregnancy can reduce the amount of amniotic fluid. Hmm, is that true?

First you have to understand what the main function of amniotic water for the fetus, Moms. Reported by Medical News Today, amniotic fluid contains nutrients, hormones, and antibodies that are important for protecting the baby in the womb. In addition, with this amniotic fluid the fetus learns to breathe, swallows food consumed by the mother, and moves. Therefore, you need to make sure the amount is right for the baby.

Amniotic fluid is reduced because of fasting Photo: Shutterstock

Meanwhile, according to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist Dr. Dinda Derdameisya , SpOG, food intake of fasting pregnant women does tend to decrease every day. This condition could be one of the factors that makes amniotic fluid decrease.

You need to know that fasting pregnant women need a minimum intake of 1700 kilos of calories per day. However, not all pregnant women manage to fulfill it during fasting. Usually, said Dr. Dinda, some pregnant women can only meet 1000 calories per day during fasting.

“Well, if it is lacking, it means that the intake of nutrients to the baby will also be lacking,” said the Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist Dr. Dinda when contacted by MOM coil, Tuesday (12/5).

Reduced amniotic fluid conditions can affect fetal development, because the nutrients he should consume are also not optimal .

“Amniotic fluid is included in the urine of infants. So that is a condition where the baby is dehydrated, it can be reduced,” explained the doctor who practices at Brawijaya Hospital.

Reduced amniotic fluid cannot be felt physically huh, Moms. You can only find out only from Ultrasonography (USG) examination . Therefore, at the time of dawn and breaking, make sure you can maintain your intake of nutrients and fluids, so that the amniotic water does not decrease.

“How to maintain nutrition? Namely halving the meal times according to the calories needed by pregnant women per day ,” he continued.

Well Moms, Dr. Dinda suggested, if the examination results show your amniotic fluid is reduced, to the condition of the body limp or dehydrated, you should immediately cancel the fast . After that, immediately consult with your obstetrician for further treatment.

“If it is so do not be used if water fasting amniotic reduced,” he concluded.


by Abdullah Sam
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