Environmental Education in Children

Currently, humanity will not be able to combat and solve the serious environmental problems, as well as a change in behavior and behavior of man without the greatest weapon to achieve it, such as Environmental Education from an early age in children.

Environmental education in children is, without a doubt, essential to transform society in relation to the impact of human activities on natural resources and form values ​​in those generations that love, respect, value and conserve their environment responsibly and conscientiously. .

Therefore, an environmental education must be generated that provides all the necessary information and knowledge about the environment, since children will not love it if they do not know it and much less take care of it if they do not have ecological values ​​in relation to the environment. nature that allows them to protect themselves and their own lives.

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In this sense, environmental education in children must be taught and generated because it will allow them to develop their sensitivity to environmental problems, create environmental awareness, training habits for a change of attitude, participation in defense of the same and multiplication of their knowledge to others.

Thus, parents, educators and society in general, together with the state, are primarily responsible for this environmental education being initiated from an early age and maintained forever for the good of humanity on the planet. That is, they must teach them to know and understand all the environmental reality so that they assume the consequences of their actions with their environmental environment. Hence, sowing love and respect for nature will lead them to act with balance and appreciation with their natural world.

Similarly, children should know that the state of the environment, human health will depend; since every environmental impact of man’s activities affects both the environment and the health and quality of life of all.

In addition, today’s children are the future of tomorrow and that is why teaching them to care for and value the environment is to teach them to value their own life. Therefore, parents have to educate by example, since they are imitators and will follow the same acts.

In other words, parents to start generating that environmental education in their children can start by teaching them the following ecological habits to take care of nature and the planet:

  • Teach them to recycle and separate garbage.
  • Teach him to value water, saving it.
  • Teach them to save energy by turning off the light and appliances.
  • Teach them to care for plants, as well as to value animals
  • Teach him to have contact with nature through excursions to natural parks and protected areas, botanical gardens, zoos, mountains, rivers and other natural environments.
  • Teach him to plant a tree or make a garden
  • Teach them not to use products that harm the environment.
  • Teach them crafts with recyclable material.
  • Teach them to participate in conferences and campaigns in defense and maintenance of the environment.
  • Teach them by reading ecological stories to learn environmental values
  • Teach them to love, respect, care, preserve, protect, maintain and value all the natural resources that surround them.
  • Teach them ecological games, as recreational and educational activities are essential to sensitize and care for the environment.
  • Teach them to avoid contamination of air, water, soil, plants and animals.
  • Teach them to watch documentaries about nature and its natural resources.

Consequently, these are just some actions of environmental practices that parents can teach their children, to awaken that environmental awareness from an early age and value the only home they have to continue living.

Finally, this environmental education must begin in values ​​for living together and ecological balance between man and his environment. The planet needs children with knowledge of it, where environmental education is the responsibility of all humanity, if you want to try to solve the many environmental problems that put the lives of every being that exists at stake. It is necessary to educate children with all environmental issues that raise awareness and a new culture of environmental knowledge for the sustainable development of present and future generations.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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