Ecological Balance: Achieve Environmental Stability between Man and Nature

Humanity has intervened the environment with its activities that alter and transform natural resources, ecosystems, habitats, green areas, water, air, soil, flora and fauna. The man with his economic, industrial, scientific and technological development; It is impacting the natural environment giving rise to quantities of global environmental problems such as environmental pollution, climate change and global warming that produce ecological imbalances that affect the quality of life of societies and planet Earth.

For this reason, all humanity is called to stop the environmental problem and seek alternatives that allow a balance between man and nature to be achieved for a sustainable development that allows meeting the present needs without compromising the resources of future generations.

The ecological balance is the stability and harmonic relationship between man and living beings with their environment. That is, it is to make man live in peace with all the elements of the environment both for human survival and for the diversity of species that inhabit the earth. It is the balance of all humanity with natural resources and is to maintain the food chain of species for ecological stability.

The ecological balance is the relationship between the human, natural and built subsystem, where man develops his activities and projects in a sustainable way with the resources of the environment. It is to reduce and minimize the environmental impacts that modify the environments and produce imbalances on the planet such as natural phenomena that have an impact on the quality of the environment.

Undoubtedly, the ecological balance must be achieved right now through sustainable measures and actions with the environment, where humanity fosters and promotes mainly:

  • The environmental education of the present and future generations, to know, care for and value the environment.
  • The coexistence, peace, equality and justice of citizens.
  • The development of environmental conservation and maintenance projects.
  • Environmental impact assessments in all human activities.
  • The environmental sanitation of ecosystems and urban spaces.
  • Environmental sustainability
  • The rational and conscious use of air, water, soil, flora and fauna resources.
  • The conservation of biodiversity, ecosystems, habitats and natural environments.
  • Habits and environmental values.
  • Organic farming
  • Environmental technology
  • The ecological tourism.
  • Sustainable mobility.
  • Composting
  • The GreenHouse.
  • Lumbiculture
  • Urban and school gardens.
  • The environmental brigades.
  • The construction or sustainable architecture.
  • The use of the bicycle as a means of transport in societies.
  • Organic products
  • The renewable energies.
  • The integral management of solid waste.
  • Environmental management and evaluation
  • Professions and specialties in environmental conservation.
  • Recycling.
  • The 3rd as Reduce, recycle and reuse.
  • Ecological projects
  • Environmental innovations
  • Health and quality of life.
  • Sustainable economic development

In itself, there are many measures with which humanity must begin to reverse the damage it has caused to nature and fight against environmental pollution, acid rain, the greenhouse effect, climate change and global warming as the biggest environmental problems that produce ecological imbalances.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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