English fruit names

There are many English fruit names that we don’t know. Some do not even exist in Brazil or are very rare, such as blueberry and cramberry.

The fruits are good for our healthy and delicious for our taste. Orange, lemon, banana among many others have nutrients that help strengthen our body! Let’s know another names of fruits in English! / Fruits are good for our health and for our taste! Orange, lemon, banana, among many others, have nutrients that strengthen our body. Let’s meet other fruit names in English!

Improve your English knowing the name of the most famous and delicious fruits around the world! Check it out on the list below: / Improve your English by knowing the name of the most famous and delicious fruits around the world! Check the list below:

Apple – Apple

Blueberry – Blueberry

Blackberry or Malberry – Blackberry

Cherry – Cherry

Clementine – Mexerica

Cranberry – Cranberry

Grape – Grape

Don’t stop now … There’s more after the publicity;)

Gooseberry – Gooseberry

Kiwi – Kiwi

Orange – Orange

Pear – Pear

Raspberry – Raspberry

Strawberry – Strawberry

Check it out our list below with many other fruits: / Check out our list below with many other fruits:

Acerola – acerola

Apricot – apricot

Avocado – Avocado

Cacaot – cocoa

Cantaloupe – pink melon

Cashew – Cashew

Coconu t – coco

Date – date

Dragon fruit – pitaya

Fig – fig

Goji berry – goji berry

Guava  guava

Hog plum – cajá

Ice-cream bean – ingá-lipo

Jaboticaba – jabuticaba

Jackfruit – jackfruit

Java plum – jamelão

Lemon – lemon

Loquat, japanese plum – yellow plum

Mango – mango

Melon – melon

Nectarine – nectarine

Papaya – papaya papaya

Passion fruit – passion fruit

Persimmon – Persimmon

Pineapple  pineapple

Plum – plum

Pomegranate – Pomegranate

Quince – quince

Red mombin – seriguela

Rose apple – jambo, jambo-rosa

Soursop – graviola

Starfruit – carambola

Surinam cherry – pitanga

Sweet lime – lime

Sweetsop – Earl’s Fruit

Tamarind – tamarind

Tangerine – tangerine

Watermelon – watermelon

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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