12 Elements of News You Should Know

In this article, we will explore the essential elements of news and how they come together to create impactful stories that inform and engage audiences.A news is a piece of information about an event that would be a matter of interest for a large number of readers

There are nine elements which enhance the value of a news, and are as follow:-

  1. Immediacy

Immediacy or timeliness is an important requisite of news A reporter usually places emphasis on the latest angles of an event. The words ‘today’ and ‘tomorrow’ are related in most of the news stories, Occasionally a story may concern events that happened in the past In this case, the reporter discusses some present aspects of a past event.

  1. Proximity

Proximity or nearness refers to geographic nearness normally a reader is more interested in an event geographically nearer than the one which has taken place in some remote part of the world.

  1. Consequences

A reporter should emphasize the angle of a story that will interest most readers, listeners or viewers in terms of consequences.

  1. Prominence

Prominence means persons, places, things and situations known to the public for their weather, social position, achievement or previous publicity. The reporter should always add as many prominent names and places in news stories, as possible The more renowned a particular name, place, event or situation, the more interest the^iews will create among its readers.


It also promotes the value of a news story A reporter always tries to find picturesque background and dramatic action for his news.

  1. Oddity

Oddity or queerness always helps to make facts interesting The greater the degree of oddity in a story, the greater is its value as news.

  1. Conflict

It is one of the most important of news elements It is inherent in nearly all news of sports, war, crime, violence and internal disputes and in all stories involving difference of opinion.

Generally, the news of conflict also involves other news values as drama and oddity and therefore, has an emotional impact, a factor that appeals to many people

  1. Sex

It is an integral part of human life. It is a vital news element in stories of romance, marriage, divorce and other illict relationships among members of opposite sexes as readers wants their emotions stirred.

  1. Progress

Progress involves any significant change for the betterment of humanity. It may also refer to an achievement in the laboratory, industry or a legislative body etc

A number of factors modify the importance of news elements in actual practice; the policy of a news medium may increase or decrease the importance of a story. The class of readers, listeners and viewers that dominate the audience of a paper, radio or television determines largely what is going to be presented.

The amount of space available to a paper or the amount of time available on radio or television determines whether a story is to be told briefly or in detail Time often alters the value of a story and finally the previous presentation of a story, on any medium, changes its value.