Do you feel severe pain? Beware of Elbow Hyperextension Injury

Pain in the joints especially the elbow joint can occur due to various causes. One thing that can happen is that the elbow has hyperextension. If not handled properly, this hyperextension elbow can damage the tissue around your elbow joint. In fact, you could be more easily sprained. So, let’s find out more about elbow hyperextension!

What is elbow hyperextension?

Hyperextension elbow or also called hyperextended elbow occurs when the elbow joint moves outside the normal range of motion. In addition to pain, the elbow is hyperextension range of motion outside the normal alias more than 90 degrees range of motion of the average elbow. This condition can damage the ligament and elbow bones.

It takes several weeks to heal, depending on the severity. This elbow hyperextension can be experienced by anyone but is more common in those who play sports with direct physical contact. People who stumble and fall may also experience this condition.

What are the symptoms that occur in the elbow hyperecestence?

What indicates the occurrence of elbow hyperextension is usually the existence of a burst of noise in the elbow and the elbow immediately feels pain. This is what distinguishes elbow hyperestension from other elbow pains such as tennis elbow . Other signs that can occur are:

  • Pain when moving or touching the elbow
  • Swollen
  • Reddish
  • Hardness
  • Losing strength from the arms
  • Difficult to move
  • Muscle spasms
  • Depending on the severity of your elbow problem, getting worse can also interfere with blood circulation in the hand

If your elbows also look strange or there are protruding bone fragments on the skin, seek emergency medical help immediately.

What are the causes of hyperextension elbows?

Elbows are formed by three interconnected joints, namely the humeroulnar, humeroradial, and upper radioulnar joints. The condition of the elbow can bend forward (flexion) and open backward (extension) is affected by the humeroulnar joint that connects the upper arm bone and forearm bone (ulna).

The elbow has hyperextension when the humeroulnar bends back and makes it out of its normal range of motion.

This condition can occur when someone:

  • Playing sports that involve physical contact between players such as boxing, soccer, and others.
  • Are doing other physical activities such as weight lifting or gymnastics.
  • Restrain yourself when falling with your hands on your elbows.

In addition to the above conditions, there are several factors that can also increase a person’s risk of having an elbow hyperextension, such as:

  • Advanced age. Bones and ligaments will become weaker as you age, making it easier to get out of range of motion should be.
  • Injury history. Previous injuries to the elbow can make the joint weaker than usual, making it easier for you to get injured again.
  • Do heavy physical activity. For example daily exercise such as athletes.

How is the treatment for elbow hyperextension?

Typical applications are:

1. Rest

Within the first few days after injury, avoid flexing the elbows. This resting your elbows can help speed healing. Avoid activities that can cause swelling in the elbow, such as sports.

The doctor will advise you when to move your elbows after you have rested. Depending on the severity of the elbow hyperextension that occurs.

2. Kompres is

Wrap ice and place it in the injured area. Compress by putting ice water on a small towel or cloth for 10-20 minutes. Do this every few hours. Do not apply ice directly to your skin because it can cause damage to your skin tissue. Compressing aims to relieve pain and swelling that occurs.

3. Use elastic bandages

Wrap the elbows with elastic bandages around the elbows can also be done to prevent and reduce swelling. With this elastic bandage can also help limit the movement of your elbows, so that the elbows are easier to break.

Wrap the straps around your elbows, making sure they are strong enough to give you pressure, but do not tighten enough to cause more pain and may interfere with blood circulation.

4. Elbow brace

Wearing an elbow brace can also help rest your elbows. This can help heal the elbow faster. The doctor will usually tell you how long you need to use a brace or anytime you have to use a brace.

5. Lift your elbows

Lift your elbows until the height exceeds your heart. It aims to help reduce swelling. Lift your elbows up with a few pillows propped up while sitting or lying down. It’s also a good idea to use the elbow while you are moving.

6. Pain relievers

Some painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs can also be used as pain relievers such as:

  • Aspirin
  • Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB)
  • Naproxen (Aleve)

7. Physical therapy

Physical therapy is done when you can move your elbows back and the pain is minimal. Your doctor will advise you to do light stretches or special exercise movements to help with recovery.

8. Operation

Surgery is needed when the condition of your elbow hyperextension causes damage to the ligaments, tendons, bones or other structures on your elbows. A broken or badly torn elbow joint that usually needs to be cut open to improve the condition.

After surgery, you have to keep your arms quiet for a few weeks, don’t move them. Furthermore, physical therapy is also needed to restore the elbow function as before.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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