Echinacea: an extraordinary plant for our immune system

Echinacea is known by many as it is used to prevent seasonal ailments. However the properties of Echinacea go far beyond. Its ability to strengthen the immune system, making the body more resistant to bacterial and viral diseases. Echinacea has been used for thousands of years, its beneficial properties have even been proven even against cancer by the American National Cancer Institute.

How to use echinacea to the fullest and in absolute safety.

History and ancient and modern healing uses                 

The first to use this plant were the Indians, they used it as an immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory, antispastic and in cancer. The father of the modern echinacea was a German immigrant from the United States (Meyer). He extracted the juice from Echinacea Rudbeckia. By administering the juice of this plant to many patients for various illnesses, obtaining amazing results. Later it was imported into Europe and cultivated there directly in the Echinacea Purpurea variety The whole plant was rich in active ingredients and was therefore used in its entirety.

Effects of Echinacea:               

The components of the Echinacea root contain acids that have antiviral properties (caffeic acid), also contain various flavonoids, unsaturated fatty acids and essential oils and polysaccharides. It is not yet clear how this complex phyto acts but its efficacy as an immunostimulant is amply demonstrated.
So not only is echinacea effective in the prevention of cooling diseases in winter, but it accelerates the healing process when the virus has already affected the organism. Its effectiveness has been demonstrated in recurrent respiratory infections and even in low urinary tract.
An effect always due to Echinacea is the stimulation of the soporific and muciparous glands. It is essential to create conditions unfavorable to the reproduction of the virus within the body. An increased presence of pharyngeal mucus makes it more difficult for viruses to penetrate.
E ‘used in ointments: L’ Echinacea has the ability to speed up the process of scarring because of its property to stimulate the fibroblasts. Combined with the anti-inflammatory antiseptic decongestant properties, it is useful in the treatment of ulcers, infected wounds, burns and dermatitis.

Precautions and contraindications in the use of Echinacea

The greatest risk is due to the possible allergy . Echinacea is part of the Asteraceae family , if you have an allergy accepted against this plant family it is strongly advised against using it.  Those who do not tolerate pollen or who suffer from hay fever , should take tests before taking Echinacea-based compounds, especially fresh plant derivatives. Generally dry extracts and tablets are well tolerated and should not trigger allergic reactions.
Do this simple test: buy some Echinacea juice and pour a few drops on your arm. If you are allergic to Echinacea, based on the amount of liquid you have spilled on your arm, you will have an allergic-type reaction such as bubbles, red dot swelling or itching. In this case it is not advisable to take Echinacea juice.

by Abdullah Sam
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