Your Easy Guide to Learning About Islam for Beginners

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. There are almost 2 billion Muslims on the planet. However, many people do not know much about Islam. The following are some of the most frequently asked questions that many people have about what Muslims believe and how we practice our religion.

What is Islam?

Islam is an Arabic word that means submission. In the context, Islam means submission to God’s will in His terms. With this simple definition, we can see that the entire universe, planets, trees and animals are all in a state of Islam; submission to the will of God, because everyone follows the natural orders that God created for them.

People are unique because they can choose whether or not to follow God’s commandments.

Islam does not have the name of a particular person, as in the case of Christianity or Buddhism, nor does it have the name of a group of people such as Hinduism or Judaism. The Islam is simply to live according to what God wants. So, Islam is more than a religion, it is a way of life.

Who is a Muslim?

A Muslim is one who follows Islam. In the Arabic language, placing “mu” at the beginning of the word is similar to placing an “or” at the end of the Portuguese word. For example, in English, someone who cultivates is a farmer, someone who works is a worker and someone who builds is a builder. Similarly in Arabic, someone who does Islam is a Muslim .

Who is Allah?

“Allah” is the Arabic word for the one true God. It is the same word that Arabic-speaking Jews and Christians use for God. Allah is one, without partners. He is the Eternal Creator of all that exists. He has no children and is nobody’s child. He’s not a spirit or a man or a ball of energy or anything. There is nothing comparable to Allah.

Who is Prophet Muhammad ﷺ?

Muhammad (may peace and blessings be upon him) was born in the Arab city of Mecca in the year 570. Since his youth, he was known as the most honest and reliable person. Although he lived in a culture of idolatry, he always knew in his heart that there was only one God. At 40, God chose Muhammad ﷺ to become a prophet to deliver the message of God’s will to the people. His mission was especially important because after him there would be no other prophet to come.

Muhammad ﷺ was the last and final messenger of God. He was the last of a long list of prophets, many of whom are known from Christian and Jewish traditions, such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, Solomon, John the Baptist and Jesus (peace be upon them all) .

Over the 23 years of his prophecy in the face of hardship and opposition, Muhammad ﷺ worked to communicate divine instruction to his followers.

What is the Qur’an?

The Qur’an is the literal word of God that was given to Muhammad ﷺ little by little throughout his prophetic mission. The Qur’an is the ultimate and definitive revelation from God to humanity, containing guidelines for all aspects of life. Throughout human history, many prophets have been sent to deliver revealed messages to the people. For generations, however, people have changed and altered the messages they received by adding or subtracting from what was originally revealed to the point where the original message was lost. Eventually, another prophet came to correct the previous message. All previous messages were left to his own people to preserve, but because the Qur’an is the final message, God Himself has guaranteed its preservation.

Muhammad’s companions memorized and recorded the words of the Qur’an exactly as they were recited. The Qur’an has remained unchanged to the letter since it was revealed more than 1400 years ago.

What are the Hadiths?

The Hadith is a collection of recorded and said actions of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. They present the example of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, the way he lived his life, from general characteristics to the smallest details of his actions, as well as the things he said, such as warning notices or explanations of the Koran. Together, the knowledge we obtain from the Hadiths, forms the Sunnah (tradition of the Prophet Muhammad) that all Muslims intend to follow.


by Abdullah Sam
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