E-learning: what it is and what it is for

E-learning is becoming an increasingly popular form of training, especially after the outbreak of the Coronavirus epidemic: in this article, I’ll explain the meaning of e-learning.

-learning  is a distance learning method   that has been spreading more and more for about two decades: like the best known and now habitual  e-commerce , it allows you to physically disconnect those who supply a content or product from those who use it,  thanks  in particular  to the Internet and wi-fi technologies . In this article  I will explain the meaning of e-learning and what it is for .
E learning: what it is

They use an e-learning platform  (aka  distance learning ) mainly students who can listen to lessons at home or in the library through  a computer, a tablet   or even a  smartphone . Almost all  universities  have put various training possibilities online, ranging  from short seminars to complete courses, making the link between elearning and university tighter : just type “e-learning” or ” distance learning”  on Google and, among the first results, you will certainly find numerous university training proposals. For distance learning, there are also universities that operate exclusively online through an e-learning portal  (even if the regulations in force require that the exam must then be taken and validated with the physical presence of the teacher). In this case, it will be essential to have a PC with the ideal characteristics for this type of use: read also our guide on choosing the best notebook for students . Read also “Teacher’s Card: what to buy with the 500 Euro MIUR teacher bonus”

Does e-learning only mean university training?

Educational Chances through an e-learning platform do not stop to the university: they are virtually endless and  s empre most popular are seminars (also known as webinars ), masters and training courses offered over the Internet by training agencies, companies, schools various nature, up to meditations or other forms of spirituality spread online by well-known religious and / or spiritual personalities, always through an e-learning portal .  The recent Coronavirus Covid-19 epidemic , resulting in the closure of schools and universities throughout Italy, has brought to the fore the usefulness of this form of distance learning: all the universities have strengthened the online offer and the Ministry of Education has taken action by opening a special e-learning platform , accessible from its institutional website, to make available to schools and students “tools for cooperation, exchange of good practices and twinning between schools, training webinars , multimedia content for study, certified platforms “, all free of charge.

In short  , e-learning has a practically endless audience of users  and can concern any aspect of human knowledge,  from Web marketing to meditation, from cooking to philosophy and which can prove to be fundamental during historical contingencies such as the current one.


Advantages and disadvantages of e-learning

Can e-learning replace the physical presence of the teacher,  religious or formator?  The answer is no:  without bothering Plato, for whom the Truth exists exclusively in the souls that are confronted “live” together, it is evident that  the physical presence of a person will never be comparable to a video  in which images are seen passing on a two-dimensional screen, however defined they may be, even if “live”: physical contact remains essential. However, there are many advantages: I list a few.

  • A  distance learning can be used by a person at any timeof his day, and without any health risk in case of epidemics;
    • At the end of many seminars  , a questionnaire is filled out  which immediately gives feedback on what has been learned, thus allowing you to measure yourself directly with the teaching material;
    • Distance learning allows you to develop specific “tailored” contents tailored to the recipient, thus allowing you to better modulate the training proposal;
    • distance learning offers a variety of online content are essentially unlimited, vastly expanding the possibilities of learning new things.

The ideal would be a mix of the two modes:  “live” learning is formally irreplaceable due to the depth of the trace it leaves in the usufructuary, the “electronic” one, an integration / expansion with infinite possibilities.

There is no shortage of risks:  any malicious person can spread falsehoods, relying on their charisma or personal fame, up to the possibility of spreading “formations” of violent and destructive content, as unfortunately the news has accustomed us to ascertain.
What devices are needed for e-learning?
In addition to the aforementioned computers, tablets or smartphones , which are essential to use the training material, a “machine” is needed for those who have to create the content, which can have “home” or very advanced characteristics, with the use of  HD video cameras  and special lamps, with direction and editing managed by professionals. For an artisanal product, a smartphone or webcam may be enough ; for more professional content, you can use an  action camera  (for content shot outdoors) or one or more HD cameras, a set with special lamps and a professional capable of video editing


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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