Having a pet at home brings numerous physical and especially psychological benefits to all members of the family, but it is also an act of responsibility and commitment to the animal. Not only because you have to feed her, take her for a walk or take her to veterinary check-ups, but also because you have to educate her to be obedient and her future “antics” do not alter the coexistence and family harmony. To help you with this, don’t miss Clarel’s best pet products .

If you are thinking of adopting a pet , especially a dog, today’s post will be very useful, because we are going to give you some tips on how you should educate him to be obedient and behave well. Take note!

  • Arm yourself with patience:  educating dogs takes time. As with the human learning process, it takes time to get the animal to internalize commands or correct misbehavior.
  • To obtain good results, patience must go hand in hand with perseverance. If you do not carry out training sessions frequently and marking timetables, your dog will never internalize the commands. By this we do not mean that we should pressure the animal or that we have to perform excessively long sessions, in fact both are counterproductive. We must do sessions of 10 minutes at most and repeat them constantly every day.
  • Set boundaries early on – Once you have established the rules of canine education, don’t change them. If you live with more people, it will be essential that you make them participate and report the rules so that everyone educates the animal in the same way. A simple example: if you train the dog to learn to sit using the command “Sit” and someone else uses the word “Sitting”, he will never learn it correctly.
  • Do not use violence:   a dog educated from kindness, who receives compliments and rewards for good behavior, will always learn much faster.
  • And above all, have fun with it:  without a doubt, another key to educating dogs effectively is having fun with them while we train them. If the dog notices that we are bored, or that we have turned the training sessions into a routine that does not arouse any type of interest, he will perceive it and adopt the same attitude. In this sense, we recommend playing games with the dog that, in addition, reinforce your bond, stimulate his mind and promote learning.

In addition to this, to train a dog, it is important to take into account the character of the animal itself . There are dogs that learn quickly and others that are more stubborn. It is essential that you take this factor into account, in addition to these others:

  • Living with children:  not all races are compatible with living with the smallest of the house. There are dogs that are usually aggressive and are very stubborn to caresses and cuddles. These should not be associated with children.
  • The time you have:  companion dogs cannot stand being alone for long. If you have a very demanding job or schedule it is good that you consider which dogs can develop well without being accompanied all the time. The time you spend on your daily activities also influences here.
  • The cost of maintenance and space: there are dogs that require special care and a certain space. For example: those with long hair require frequent cutting, bathing and constant brushing. And there are others that, due to their size, need space to move. Thus, there are dogs that demand more food than others. All this greatly influences the expense for the owners. Keep that in mind!

And now that you know what you have to do to educate an animal, do you know how you should take care of its hair? We tell you how to maintain the shine in your pet’s hair.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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