The dental prosthesis is a great alternative for those who want to replace one or more teeth that have been lost. Have you heard about the procedure? Check out everything you need to know about it!

d of dental prosthesis ? Sometimes, due to an accident or even the lack of care with oral hygiene, the patient suffers the loss of a tooth. As much as it seems to affect the aesthetic part much more, the truth is that the absence of the dental element also leaves the functional part weakened. So in addition to embarrassment when smiling, chewing also becomes a difficult process. To solve this type of problem, dental prostheses appear with several benefits for the patient to recover their smile back. Understand everything you need to know about these little pieces with the help of several experts on the subject below!


Usually when a person loses one or more teeth , either because of an accident or even due to a disease, such as periodontitis, it is common for most specialists to indicate the placement of the dental prosthesis as treatment. This is easily explained because, in addition to restoring the harmony of the smile and correcting the aesthetic deficiency that the lack of teeth causes, it is essential so that the patient’s masticatory function is not compromised. According to dentist Murilo Parella, dentures are indicated for individuals who have lost one, some or all of their teeth.


As much as both prostheses and implants have the same function of replacing one or more missing teeth, they are not exactly the same process – but they can serve as complementary. “The implant replaces the root of the tooth, replacing the missing element. However, he needs a prosthesis for the rehabilitation to be complete “, says the dentist Elis Regina. In other words, the implant alone is not able to play the role of a new tooth, since it works mainly as a substitute for its root Therefore, he needs the aid of a dental prosthesis so that its function is fully recovered, however, if on the one hand the implant is totally dependent on the prosthesis so that its work is complete, on the other, the prostheses can work independently , being considered a less invasive alternative to tooth loss.


There are different types of dental prostheses, and as much as the patient is eager to recover his teeth as soon as possible, it is essential to go through an evaluation process with a specialist beforehand. That way, the dentist will be able to refer you to the best form of treatment, and with the proper guidance. This initial assessment is necessary because each type of prosthesis seeks to repair specific problems, as you can see below:


Also known as the famous denture, the removable total prosthesis is commonly related to elderly patients, who usually have more fragile oral health at this stage of life. “The removable prosthesis replaces one to all teeth, both at the top and at the bottom,” says dentist Rafaela Antonacio. These devices are made based on the anatomy of the upper and lower arches and are supported on the gums, facilitating both their placement and removal. Although many people are afraid of this type of prosthesis, thinking that they can fall at any time, there are some advantages to its use, according to Rafaela. The possibility of removal can guarantee greater efficiency in the process of cleaning the piece is an example of this,
They can be of three classifications:

  1. conventional:for those who have no teeth, the prosthesis being made with retention only in the alveolar ridge;
  2. overdenture:at least two implants are needed to better retain the prosthesis;
  3. protocol:for this there are at least four implants and the prosthesis is screwed into the implants.


According to dentist Murilo Parella, this type of prosthesis is used when the individual has some teeth. That is, when the patient has not suffered the loss of all teeth and it is also not necessary to extract the remaining dental elements for the placement of the prosthesis. However, it is necessary to take into account the health status of the teeth in question, as they are the ones that will serve as the basis for the prosthetic structure. In addition, the specialist points out that it can be conventional (made with clips to retain “hugging the tooth”) or with attachments, that is, made with inserts that are “hidden” inside the prosthesis.


This type of prosthesis can be of two types: crowns or bridges, where each is recommended for different cases because they have their specificities. Bridges, for example, are usually indicated in cases where the patient has not lost so many teeth, way that the prosthesis can use at least two dental elements as support. “They are dental prostheses used to restore the presence of one or more missing teeth, and it is necessary to use teeth adjacent to the edentulous space as pillars for fixing the prosthesis”, explains the dentist Renata Paraguassu.

On the other hand, crowns are also partial prostheses but are indicated for patients who have lost only part of the tooth, and not the entire tooth. According to the specialist, the crowns return the anatomy of the entire tooth, encompassing all of its dental faces. “Bridges replace the absence of one or more teeth. Crowns are used to restore aesthetics and function of a tooth that had a great loss of coronary mass ”, he says.


This type of prosthesis requires dental implants, which are installed directly on the maxilla or mandible bone and work as a substitute for the natural roots of the teeth. In practice, implants function as a support for prostheses, which can be screwed or fitted to them. This has been the most chosen alternative, since it offers the most safety for the patient, both in terms of appearance and in fixing the piece.


Recovering your smile with the help of the prosthesis is possible, but so that there is no problem later, it is important that the patient be careful, especially with regard to oral hygiene. Cleaning should normally be done with a soft bristle brush after the main meals, but you must also brush your tongue, gums and the roof of your mouth, as this will help to maintain good breath. In addition, according to expert Johnathan Marcondes, the ideal is that the brushing of the prosthesis is done with mild soap, as the use of toothpaste is very abrasive.
In addition, removable dentures can be removed and fitted to facilitate the process, according to dentist Johnathan. “After each meal, remove the prosthesis (denture) and rinse it under running water, removing all food residues”, instructs the specialist. The same process must be repeated before the patient lies down, with only one difference: the denture must be removed, brushed and placed in a cleaning solution or filtered water to rest for a period of 6 to 8 hours. When you get up, just wash it with plenty of running water before putting it back in your mouth, as the ideal thing is that mobile prostheses always stay moist.


According to the dentist José Augusto Lopes, there are specific brushes for the cleaning of prostheses whose differential is the large and firmer bristles. However, soft bristle brushes are also very welcome, as they help a lot when it comes to helping to eliminate the dreaded bacterial plaques. The toothpaste should be recommended by the dentist himself, since there are also some specific for this type of situation, and a bonus is that there is still another tool to help when cleaning, which are the tablets. And if you have any doubts about the use of any product, just call your dentist to chat to clarify that.


Visits to the dentist are part of another fundamental step for the prostheses to remain firm and healthy. Foreign objects can cause an accumulation of bacteria in the area, forming bacterial plaques and opening doors for various oral problems, such as cavities and periodontal diseases. Therefore, consulting a professional every 6 months is essential to avoid unpleasant consequences. In addition, the professional can also observe the status of the prosthesis, checking whether or not there is a need to make adjustments to the part. “With the care indicated by the professional, it is possible to increase the useful life of the prosthesis and decrease possible discomfort and risk of complications”, concludes the dentist José Augusto.


Without the care highlighted above, the small piece may come off the oral cavity and the whole procedure will have been in vain, until it is corrected again. What can also happen is that, without periodic consultations with a dentist, the accumulation of bacterial plaque can trigger several other problems, which can even lead to bone loss in the patient. “The accumulation of microorganisms in the area leads to fungal or bacterial infections, causing an acceleration in bone loss and generating a loss of the prosthesis retention area”, explains implant specialist Edgard de Mello.


If this happens, it is time to redouble your attention, because when a prosthesis breaks or is not well adapted, it is a risk to the patient’s oral health. According to prosthetic specialist Heloísa Crisóstomo, the situation can lead to lesions in the mucosa, cause thrush and bone loss. So it is essential that the patient always seek the help of a professional in these cases, reporting whenever there is pain or discomfort in the region. According to the specialist, it is usually necessary to make a new prosthesis to ensure that the patient will not be at risk, but in extraordinary cases it is possible to make a repair that is really safe.

by Abdullah Sam
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