Cyan Color

Cyan its hue is light blue and its name comes from the Greek κύανος (cýanos, ” dark or intense blue “). Its wavelength ranges from 487 to 505 nm. Aquamarine and turquoise colors correspond to shades of cyan.


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  • 1 Origin
  • 2 Features
    • 1 Meaning
  • 3 Additive RGB model (red, green, blue)
  • 4 Sources


It occurs when Green is combined with Blue , known to computer scientists and graphics with some of the following interpretations:

  • 00FFFF on the Internet
  • 100,0,0,0 in CMYK
  • 0,255,255 in the RGB

In general, this color is only associated with all those things that have to do with water , although also in the 80’s it was used a lot to represent tropical countries such as Hawaii , Easter Island and other paradisiacal destinations that remain at the remoteness from where one lives.


Cyan is one of the colors that designers tend to stumble upon day in and day out. It is one of the base colors of subtractive synthesis, made up of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black . It is the so-called pigment color. In contrast, in the RGB model -additive color- it is a secondary color that is obtained by mixing green and blue and is complementary to red . In theory, the overlap of cyan, magenta, and yellow(CMYK primary colors) result in black. However, the color that is produced in practice is a dark brown tone that leads printers to add extra ink to achieve the contrast and tonal depth demanded by shadows and dark tones. The mixture of the primaries gives rise to red (through magenta and yellow ), blue (mixing cyan and magenta) and green, which is the result of the synthesis of cyan and yellow . In the field of plastic arts, the colors considered primary are blue , red and yellow .

Its length of wavelength ranges from 487 to 505nm. Both aquamarine and turquoise tones also correspond to shades of cyan, and in oil painting it is also known as cerulean blue .

It is a color that is associated with feeling better and with protective values. Cyan symbolizes relaxation, especially in turquoise tones -Turquie, Turkey- and aquamarines, which makes us think of paradises, crystal clear waters and vacations. Medium or low aquamarine is used in the healthcare world to sometimes paint rooms and for the uniforms of nurses and surgeons, as it is considered a color that calms and relaxes patients.

In nature it is a color that we can find in the sky , in the sea , in stones or minerals such as turquoise , in butterflies , birds, fish …

  • Visual arts
  • Visual Arts career
  • Master Graphic Design
  • Master Art and Communication
  • Graphic Design Course


In its positive aspect it is related to thought, wisdom, immortality, serenity, depth, it is used as a sedative color, it symbolizes purity. It favors patience, kindness and serenity, peace and satisfaction, in its negative aspect it can be very cold like ice and overexposure to it produces fatigue or depression, however, it is one of the most preferred in all shades. According to some people, cyan can be calming and restful, dominant, strong, challenging, intelligent, relaxing, and projects a lot of security.

Additive RGB model (red, green, blue)

In the RGB model (additive color model) it is a secondary color, since it is obtained with the perfect and total mixture of green and blue values and it is complementary to red . The blue cyan is also known in the palette of paint to the oil as blue cerulean, however, it was not until the middle of the twentieth century with the development of the synthesis of color halftone the blue cyan played a leading role in the industry graphic and editorial.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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