Cristiano Ronaldo’s diet

How does one of the best footballers in the world take care of himself? Discover in this post how he eats himself and the lifestyle that Real Madrid striker Cristiano Ronaldo leads.

CR7 has only two paths in life: either he is loved with madness and brotherly love, or he is vilified for his cocky and defiant pose. Unlike other top players on the international scene, such as Iniesta, Raúl, Csillas, the recently retired Lampard or Messi himself , who are covered by a halo of admiration or terrific. This does not happen with Cristiano , or he is adored or not supported.

But beyond preferences or binary loves, there is an incontestable reality that anyone who understands a bit of football will not be able to argue: CristianoHe is probably the most professional player in soccer today, if not the most professional in the modern history of this sport. Let’s go by parts. The starting point is outstanding: adequate height, prodigious physique, monstrous leg power, winning mentality, self-assurance … If we made a parallel, we could say that he is the LeBron James of football, a kind of cyborg programmed to score. and win, a kind of perfectly designed machine. But is this the result of chance? Of talent? Radically not!

During his post-adolescent period at Manchester United, Cris (as his fellow Brits called him) had to learn to eat, he was crazy about the arch-famous “fish & chips” of the islands, so his coach and mentor, Sir Alex Ferguson put him on a strict diet.

And since then Cristiano has an impeccable work ethic and his diet forms a core part of it: no fast food, zero carbonated drinks and sweeteners, not a fried in his menu and of course, endless days at the gym.

Always eat at the same time and no more than an hour passes from the end of the physical exercise until you put something in your mouth. Dinners are very light and always a couple of hours before going to bed, in order to have a leisurely digestion. Cristiano Ronaldo follows a studied diet of 3,000 calories a day in which fish and vegetables are the protagonists. No sauces, no sweet desserts, a beer from time to time. Lots of water with meals and pear, pineapple and apple juices between meals.

The Punta Madridista was born on the Portuguese island of Madeira known for its tropical fruits. That is why since childhood he prefers fruits and seasonal fruit salads to sweets in desserts, a wise choice! The cakes are left for very special celebrations, such as birthdays. During the season, that is, 10 months a year (11 if there is a World Cup or a European Championship), he does not drink any alcohol. As he himself likes to say “the drinks are not drunk, they are won”.

But when the season ends, summer arrives, and that is the only time of the year that CR7 becomes human and allows itself some temptation: cocktails, beer with its aperitif, ice cream …

His level of demand with food reaches such a point that he has made his mother, Dolores Aveiro, supervise all his meals to make sure they do not contain any fat, and eat out? The minimum! As you can see, his daily life is closer to that of a monastery monk than to a world soccer superstar (yes, full of sports cars!).

Besides, the Portuguese striker is aware that at 32 he is facing the final stretch of his career. Although physically he is a marvel of nature, his body began to send him warning signals when he surpassed the barrier of 30. His idea is to reduce his muscle mass little by little to delay his soccer retirement for a couple of years and continue in full swing a few more seasons. His teammates, coaches and those closest to him highlight his healthy obsession to take care of himself with a single goal: to improve every day.

Apart from the diet, the Portuguese player pays special attention to the quality and duration of sleep, an essential part of muscle recovery. there are days when he sleeps more than 12 hours. He likes to take a nap and keeps the schedules of his time in England when he was at Manchester United. He goes to bed early and forgoes many invitations to sporting and non-sporting events to stick with his habits.

After reading this post, and regardless of your initial dichotomous position: love or hate towards the Portuguese, surely you will give credit to what this human working machine has achieved, if it were modest and nice, it would be the lemon pear, thank God , miracles do not exist, although well thought out, such perfection would be unfair


by Abdullah Sam
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