Crib protector

Crib protector: They guarantee a comfortable sleep for the little one, security to the baby’s crib, also adding a note of comfort.


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  • 1 Function
  • 2 Controversy
  • 3 Features you must have
  • 4 Sources


Protect the child from hitting the crib rail.


Currently there are different opinions on whether its use is advisable or not. There are those who consider that it can be dangerous because they may be responsible for some case of suffocation in babies, although there is nothing proven. What is clear is that cushions, pillows or stuffed animals should never be left in the crib while the baby is inside since they are a risk to their health.

Features you must have

  • Must be securely attached to the crib.
  • The restraint system must be secure.
  • The padding should not be excessively fluffy or soft, it is preferable that its padding is firm and of good quality. With a thickness not excessive, with about 3-4 cm it may be enough.
  • Preferably a removable protector, so you can wash the cover and keep it clean.
  • The fabric, as it can be in contact with the child, as always better cotton.
  • Avoid decorations with external elements or loose parts.
  • Regarding the size, the head part must be equal to the width of the crib. The length usually coincides with three times the width. With 50-60 cm on the sides it is usually enough. Some manufacturers make standard models for different crib sizes.


by Abdullah Sam
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