
Chemostat. Production tank that maintains bacterial growth in the exponential growth phase.


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  • 1 Description
  • 2 Operation
  • 3 Feedback
  • 4 Other applications
  • 5 Sources


A chemostat is a production tank that maintains bacterial growth in the exponential growth phase. The bacteria in this case usually have an industrial purpose, such as the production of antibiotics.


This device removes excess bacterial production (antibiotic), in addition to other products that could be toxic to the bacteria itself , the result of its own metabolism.


There is a continuous supply of new material so that it can be used by bacteria.

Other apps

Chemostats have found application in a wide variety of research procedures, especially where natural populations are often desired to grow slowly or at low nutrient concentrations, chemostats have been especially useful as laboratory models of natural microbial ecosystems.


by Abdullah Sam
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