8 Common Shower Mistakes You Must Not Do

Avoid these 8 common shower mistakes to ensure a healthy and refreshing shower experience. Learn how to properly care for your skin and maintain good hygiene.Taking a shower is a basic task that most people can handle from a young age. However, even adults often don’t know the basic rules of water procedures. We’ll tell you how to enjoy taking a shower without harming your skin and hair.

Common Shower Mistakes You Must Not Do.

Common Shower Mistakes

Mistake #1: Water is too hot

During the cold season, you just want to find yourself under hot water to warm up properly. After all, it’s just nice: hot water allows you to quickly relax and reduces stress. However, high temperatures are harmful to your skin: too hot water washes away natural oils. As a result, you risk experiencing a feeling of dryness and irritation. As for hair, the essence is the same. Remember: if your skin turns pink from the shower, next time you should reduce the temperature.

Mistake #2: Using a loofah that doesn’t dry out

A quality washcloth can last for years. But have you ever thought about how clean it is? A warm, humid environment creates favorable conditions for bacteria to grow, which means you risk catching an infection. To prevent this, make sure the washcloth dries completely between showers, and wash it at least once a week.

Mistake #3: Considering exfoliation as part of your daily routine

The cult of spa services with their unreasonably high cost leads to the popularization of home remedies. Among the most affordable and effective are a variety of scrubs for every taste and budget. It is easy to succumb to the temptation to make scrubbing a daily ritual – it would seem that thorough cleansing and removal of dead skin cells cannot do any harm. However, experts do not recommend using a scrub more than once a week – you can inadvertently weaken the skin’s protective barrier, which will provoke inflammation. So it is definitely worth listening to the instructions for your product!

Mistake #4: Shaving against the grain

This shaving direction may seem more effective to you, but the result is unlikely to please: when moving the blades against the hair growth, you will notice more ingrown hairs in the future. Therefore, dermatologists advise shaving exclusively in the direction of hair growth. It is important to use special products that will provide better glide and help minimize irritation. Shower gel or soap will do a much worse job.

Mistake #5: Updating your razor only when absolutely necessary

If you don’t have thick hair on your body, the razor will last for almost a year, but for preventive purposes, it’s best to limit yourself to one month of use, keep the device clean, and store it in a dry place between procedures. Otherwise, there’s a high risk of getting folliculitis, a skin infection that is inflammation of the hair follicles. Whatever you say, shaving is a traumatic process, so it’s important to maintain hygiene.

Mistake #6: Choosing products based only on color and scent

When choosing products, the main role for most people is played by their color and aroma: bright shower gels with an intense smell and an exotic name may seem very attractive due to the efforts of marketers. However, it would not be superfluous to delve into the composition: it may unpleasantly surprise you. However, this is not a reason to refuse products “for the sake of pleasure” – something will certainly interest you among the lines that are useful for the skin.

Mistake #7: Applying a hair mask to the roots

Hair masks are created exclusively for the length of hair and in no case for rubbing into the scalp – this fact remains unknown to many to this day. As a result – with a cumulative effect, the roots can become greasy immediately after washing. Shampoo, by the way, on the contrary, is needed to thoroughly wash the scalp from dirt. It is applied mainly to the roots, only slightly distributing along the length. In any case, there is no need to intensively lather the ends.

Mistake #8: Taking a shower more than once a day

If you can’t imagine your life without a daily shower, and especially if you shower more than once a day, try to at least slightly adjust your habits. Reduce the duration, make sure the water is not too hot, and do not overuse detergent. Most often, it is enough to use a little gel for armpits and feet, as well as a product for intimate hygiene.

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